Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki

Aetherium Elements Created by "iiNotpokii" are elements from elemental battlegrounds which you can upgrade and change into a aetherium.

•The Medals or Symbols will be in this page asap.

Information from iiNotpokii

I am new to creating fandom pages. so please dont hate on what i do.

Medals by:


Back story

Aetherium Elements are ancient elements created by the king of the elements. he soon died because the "Entity Umbra" wanted those elements and use them for bad purposes. but luckily the king knew that this day was coming and he sent the elements to earth. but people's rage, anger and darkness created many more evil elements. everytime something new is formed. an element is formed. no one knows where entity umbra is... the world is now broken. and the wielders of the elements needs to fix it asap before the big destruction.

The Big destruction

The big destruction is the battle of the elementals against entity umbra. when the destruction starts, people will become stone and only the elementals will stay alive. It will last for 1 week and the 7th day of that week will be the destruction. They have to train and find each other in 6 days. Entity umbra will be closer to earth day by day. if Entity umbra wins. he will rule the multiverse and use the aetheriums for bad doings. Everything will be covered in darkness, anger, rage, insanity and sin. But if the elementals win, they will fix the broken by using the circle of existence.

What is the circle of existence?

The Circle of existence is where the entity's of the elements form and make 1 huge circle. the "outer core" is where the arcanus elements will be placed. inside the outer core is the middle core. the middle core is where the aetherius elements will be placed. and the inner core is where the etheralis elements will be place (except for Consturctirus And obliteratus.). the two left etheralis elements will be placed on the central core. the very center of that circle. because that two represents yin and yang.

Unstable, Cursed & Broken Aetheriums:

Unstable, Cursed or Broken Aetheriums are extremely dangerous. Broken aetheriums can be fixed by fusing Molten gold, a Dust of a meteorite and a tear of a god. Unstable elements can be stable again by making it absorb one planet. Cursed elements can only be fixed by using Arcanirus and Equinorus. but that is impossible because fusing Arcanirus and Equinorus will give you too much power. You can cause the end of the world if you cannot control it because it will give ultimate power.

Fusing all Aetheriums:

Using aetheriums all at once is extremely dangerous. If fusing Arcanirus and Equinorus is too dangerous, then fusing all is much more dangerous. you can either lose your mind or end the world. You will become a god if you do that. You will have infinite power, Existance will be deleted if could not control it.

Sneak Peaks:

Aetherium Elements (By: iiNotpokii) Sneak Peaks 👀

Wielders of the Aetherium elements

• Owen (Pyromium)

• Kira (Hydromium)

• Tina (Terramium)

• Miley (Tempestium)

• Vito (Ceraunomium)

• Aetherius (Luminium)

• Dan (Magnium)

• Milo, brother of owen (Combustius)

• Ella (Glacius)

• Miley, after her element is getting mutated. (Cumulius)

• Entity Umbra (Anathemarus)

• Aetherius, after his element is getting mutated (Seraphirus & Omnirus)


There are three types of Aetheriums. Aetherius, Arcanus And Etheralis.

Aetherius Elements

•Aetherius Elements- Aetherius elements are basically the starter or primary elements.

List of "Aetherius Elements"

Pyromium (Fire)

Hydromium (Water)

Terramium (Earth)

Tempestium (Air)

Ceraunomium (Electricity)

Luminium (Light)

Malignium (Dark)

Arcanus Elements

•Arcanus Elements- Arcanus Elements are elements fused or mutated by the Aetherius elements.


Combustius (Explosion)

Volcanius (Magma or lava)

Emberius (Ash)

Solarius (Sun)

Hailrius (Snow)

Draconius (Dragon)

Gammius (Plasma)

Steelius (Metal)

Cumulius (Cloud)

Venomius (Poison)

Chemicalius (Acid)

Desertius (Sand)

Sludgius (Mud)

Glacius (Ice)

Dendroius (Wood)

Biomoss (Nature)

Spatialus (Portal)

Crysius (Crystal)

Shados (Shadow)

Zerius (Void)

Lunarius (Moon)

Ichorius (Blood)

Echonius (Sound)

Fictionius (Ink)

Psyius (Psychic, Mind control)

Speculius (Glass)

Aureatius (Gold)

Pheonixius (Pheonix)

Physicalius (Strength)

Stellarius (Star)

Radiencius (Laser)

Necromius (Death)

Essius (Life)

Cacti (Cactus and Spikes)

Etheralis Elements

•Etheralis- Etheralis elements are the strongest ones in the list. these elements must be used for good purposes only.

List of "Etheralis Elements"

Seraphirus (Angel)

Unholirus (Unholy)

Constructirus (Creation)

Obliteratus (Destruction)

Anti (Anti Magic)

Fearus (Fear)

Realitirus (Reality)

Technorus (Cyber or virtual)

Chronorus (Time)

Cosmorus (Space)

Fantasirus (Magic or Fantasy)

Anathemarus (Curse, Negativity)

Spiritus (Spirit, Divine).

Equinorus (Balance or harmony)

Omnirus (Arcane or Unknown)

Frenzirus (Chaos)

Energetirus (Energy)

Majestus (Joy, Positivity)


•These elements are NOT in the game, these are custom and fan - made only.

•These elements are made by me, and NOT copyrighted.

•These sets of elements are made after the Arcane Elements was made.


•This fandom page is inspired by epicallychromatic. go check out his wiki. Arcane Elements (by EpicallyChromatic)

•This fandom page is for entertainment only.

•There will be more elements coming soon after all the medals are made.

List of planned Aetheriums:

Currently none, have any ideas? comment down below!

Trivia time!

Aetherium Elements are split in to 3 groups (Etheralis, Arcanus & Aetherius). And has 2 element styles (Manmade and Primal).

There are more than a hundred aetheriums. but only 54.0% are known.

Opposite Aetheriums:

Constructirus = Obliterus

Frenzirus = Equinorus

Omnirus = Anathematirus

Pyromium = Glacius

Volcanius = Hydromium

Chronorus = Cosmorus

Realitirus = Technorus

Seraphirus = Unholius

Malignium = Luminium


Pyromium- Draconius, Pheonixius, Gammaius, Combustius, Stellarius, Solarius, Speculius, Steelius, Volcanius, Emberius, Radiencius

Terramium- Steelius, Lunarius, Emberius, Sludgius, Dendroius, Naturius, Dessertius, Crysius, Echonius, Speculius, Aureatius, Physicalius, Psyius

Ceraunomium- Radiencius, Gammaius, Energetirus, Pheonixius, Cumulius, Psyius, Combustius

Tempestium- Cumulius, Psyius, Dessertius, Naturius, Dendroius, Hailirus, Glacius, Echonius

Hydromium- Cumulius, Glacius, Hailirus, Zerius, Sludgius, Dendroius, Naturius, Chemicalius, Venomius

Malignium- Zerius, Venomius, Chemicalius, Lunarius, Draconius, Unholirus

Luminium- Radiencius, Solarius, Stellarius, Combustius, Seraphirus, Astralus
