Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Anomalis Obitus is an evolved version of Arcanis Malignus. It is capable of suffering opponents to their death and wields the element type, Evolved Ancient Element.


Ability Name Ability Type Description How it Works Shard Costs Mana Costs Cooldown
Scythe Dash Transportation Summon a scythe and dash at the enemy. Then kick them into the air and slash them in mid-air. The user summons a scythe and dashes at where they aim. If it met contact to an opponent, the user then stops and kick into the air. Then slashes their scythe at the opponent. None 250 manas 9 seconds
Wither Skull (minecraft lol) Projectile Shoot a large skull that tears enemies apart over time. The user shoots a dark skull at the cursor. Upon impact, it will explode into black fire that deals DoT to players in it. 750 shards 150 manas 12 seconds
Soul Harvest Contact Spell Grab one of the enemy and steal their soul to gain more power. The user grabs the nearest opponent and starts stealing their HP, Mana, Stamina, and also their strength which gives them a weakness effect for a little while. The user then gains more strength and knocks the opponent back with their summoned scythe. 1500 shards 175 manas 25 seconds
Soulpower Discharge AoE Convert every soul you have into your own strength. Then merge together to make a powerful explosion depending on how many souls you have been collecting (Max is 10 souls) Self-Explanatory 2250 shards 300 manas 2 seconds (0 soul)

60 seconds (max souls)

Oblivion’s Morality Ultimate Activates a sick looking dark aura and a massive dark scythe with it’s increased walkspeed and continuously slash everything in your way. Then finishes it off with one massive slam with the scythe. The user summons a massive scythe and activates a sick looking dark aura that they can’t look through it. While using it, the user’s walkspeed increases drastically and it starts continuously slashing with it’s scythe. Anyone who did get slashed will receive a blindness effect and a great damage to the opponent. Then finishes it off with one massive scythe slam. Once slammed, it creates multiple dark pillar explosions that deals great damage around you and a massive shockwave that deals heavy damage. 3000 shards 1000 manas 120 seconds