Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Anomalis Solarium is a mutated element of Arcanis Volcanis. It can manipulate the compressed superheated flames produced by the sun. It is also a Mutated Ancient Element. Can Manipulate the Sun Itself at Full Potential.


Anomalis Solarium is obtained by an Arcanis Volcanis wielder named Ethan. He wants to become stronger for good and take down all undeads remaining along with Arcadia. But he has to mutate his own element because he can’t take it down easily.


Ethan was a powerless metalmaker who forges weapons, armors, and shield and sells for currencies. But a gift giver comes into his hometown and said whoever wins in the crater of the volcano wins a gift from the gods.

He then forged his own sword, armor, and shield as strong as possible and trained with his sword for many hours. He is prepared and get ready for his next day.

The next day, Ethan approaches to the giant volcano crater and gets ready to fight and met opponents that seems to be tougher than him. He then fought the opponents and defeated only a fraction of them. Then fought the strongest opponent but the lava exploded below them because the volcano was about to erupt.

Ethan ran away and survived the massive eruption and was given the gift of the gods. He then heads back to his hometown to recover. Later, the undeads starts to attack his hometown and kills everyone in it. Ethan noticed it was under attack so he head out and unsheathed his sword. But the undeads are strong enough to break his sword and starts slashing him constantly. He then suddenly awakens his power uncontrollably and causes massacres to the undeads with his burning fury of his fire element. The undeads then retreated as he gets angrier and causes more scorching and burning to them.

Ethan got his control back and didn’t know what was going on. He saved his hometown but still damaged a few structures, bet it was not enough to become a true hero.


Ethan woke up from his bed, ate breakfast, changed clothes, and went outside of his home. He then heard conversations of him using his powerful fire magic. At first, he thought it was someone else who has the same name as him but then, someone came up to Ethan and asked how did he used his element so well that he made the undeads run away. He is so confused and don't know what is going on and decided to ask what's going on.

Later when he got out of those soundbites, he suddenly witnessed someone threatening an innocent person, demanding for currencies. Ethan approached to the lawbreaker, telling him to stop. But the outlaw charges right at him with his massive knife, and Ethan gets ready to fight with his own fist. But then he accidentaly awakened his power and engulfed his right arm with a burning fire, right into the face and burning the outlaw. He was about to die but luckily, someone distinguished him and bring him to the council. Ethan really do need to learn how to use his power correctly.

He decided to find a place to train without anything flammable around and figures out how to control his power. He only figured out two moves and took notes on his blank spellbook. But he still has a long way to go.

Later that night, undeads returned to the his hometown but stronger than before. berserkers, brutes, and heavy undeads, even undead void knight this time. The soldiers weren’t prepared for this and has to take down with all they got.

Ethan then uses his element to take down the strong undeads but it only do a little damage. The undead then tries to obliterate him with his gigantic battle axe but he was to slow to kill Ethan. The undeads keep trying to swing his axe to kill him until Ethan got cornered. The heavy undead then charges towards him and was ready to chop him in half but then, the undead got obliterated by a bright, blue and yellow energized beam.

It was Arcadia who obliterated the undead that was going to kill Ethan with a mutated element, Anomalis Energetius. She was here to save Ethan’s hometown and take down the remaining undeads. She then continues to take down more heavy undeads one by one easily and saving citizens in the town.


