Arcanimus Malitus Obliterus is a God-Type Primordial Art that has the true potential to take damage from the omnipotential entity. It is one of the strongest art Zaroth has ever wielded during his last breath.
Zaroth was severely injured, losing every drip of blood and barely able use his moves. The Omnipotential Entity and all the others were about finish him off with a final blow. He was no match for the powerful spellcasters and omnipotential god...
But he didn't want to lose without everyone obliterated, and he also didin't want to lose to a powerful god, wishing not to want the others to complete Arcadio's wish and return peace for everyone. He figured that if he combined his three Ancient Arts together, it will turn into one unstable Art. An Art that can stand against the omnipotential entity...
And just like that, Zaroth has finally turned into a true god, a god that the omnipotential entity is a match for.
This is… Zaroth’s last breath…