Arcanimus Seraphimus Xenithimius is the 2nd strongest of the five Omnipotential Ancient Arts and the strongest obtainable element in PPE. It has the capability to bend multiple elements at once, each with it’s own different abilities.
How to obtain[]
To obtain it, you must fuse all of the Omnipotential Artifacts and have the title “The Chosen Good”. To obtain that title, you must find the entity’s temple, where you will find a glowing book on a lectern. Then, you must defeat 500 minions of Zaroth, then survive 20 rounds of Defender mode.
The final task is to defeat Zaroth for the Omnipotential Entity. You will find him inside a corrupted castle, and will have to face swarms of undeads and a few minibosses before you will be able to enter the throne room where Zaroth is waiting for you. Once defeated, he will drop a fusion crystal at a guaranteed chance, as well as a large amount of gems and elements.
Once you return, you will obtain the title and will be asked to place all artifacts and a fusion crystal to obtain Arcanimus Seraphimus Xenithimius; You will be given an Omnipotential Artifact that allows you to use the Art.
If you do fuse the artifact without the title equipped or obtained, all items placed will not be consumed but fusion will automatically fail.
Passives and Abilities[]
Passive Name | Description |
God’s Resurrection | When the user reaches to 0% of HP, the user gets resurrected once, your cooldown resets, and the mode will automatically switch to “Resurrection Mode” (you cannot switch it and you can’t activate it when you reset) |
There are limitless amount of abilities that cannot be used by players or has never been discovered. These are the abilities that are well known.
Press X to switch modes
Ability Name | Ability Type | Description | How it works | Shard Costs | Mana Costs | Cooldown |
Expanding Fireball | Projectile | Fires a rainbow fireball that constantly grows each second. Upon impact explodes depending on the size of the fireball. | The user charges up the fireball within their hands. (hold to increase the duration) once done, the user throws the expanding fireball at the cursor that grows each second. Upon impact will explodes that has a massive range and deals big damage (depending on how big the fireball is) | None | 200-500 manas | 15 seconds |
Flash Slash Flare | Transportation | Summons two flaming swords to slash others, leaving a trail of rainbow flames. | The user summons two rainbow flaming swords and dashes through while slashing other enemies in a blink of an eye, leaving trail of flames. Enemies that are affected by the slash starts burning with high DoT and even higher DoT if they are in the trail of flames. | 1000 shards | 250 manas | 10 seconds |
Iris Tempestas Ignis | Multi-Projectile | Creates a blast below you to leap into the air and then fire countless fireball in seconds. | The user creates a blast that leaps them high into the air and summons a big magic circle within their hands and then fires about 10-20 fireballs at the cursor per second. Upon impact explodes and leaves a long-lasting chromatic fire that deals huge DoT. | 2000 shards | 300 manas | 17.5 seconds |
AoE | ||||||
Ultimate |