Arcanimus Zenithimarus is an Omnipotent Arcanimus Art that is capable of enchanting the user with magic that gives them a random boost every time they enter a battle with it equipped. This medal represents the color shifting Omnipotential Entity’s wings.
Here are the followings effects that this Art can give you:
- 150% Increased strength (Excluding the Ultimate) - 2% chance
- 50% Defense (decreases opponent's damage) - 15% chance
- 50% Cooldown reduction - 10% chance
- 35% Walkspeed - 20% chance
- 35% Jump boost - 50% chance
- 50% Casting speed (decrease the duration of the spell) 3% chance
- Doubled spell size - 5% chance
Here are the randomized effects applied to enemies hit by a spell:
- 10 second stun - 2% chance
- 150% reduced durability - 3% chance
- 150% reduced strength - 5% chance
- Blind - 10% chance
- Scorch - 15% chance
- 50% Slowness - 30% chance
- Bleeding - 40% chance
(These effects do not stack unless an ultimate was used)
The Omnipotential Entity is the one who wields Arcanimus Zenithimarus. With itself wielding that Art, it become stronger and stronger as they could use it more often. Because of that, they were considered as the universe's most powerful deity. The reason why they are called an entity is because no one knows what their gender is and they are obviously not human; They're only a bright, chromatic and firey human-shaped being whose power surpasses that of any arcane mage.
When a new universe appeared, the entity appeared with their own Ancient Art being used to create anything they had in their mind; Thus, they created the inhabitable planet of Arcanima, as well as all life and humanity thriving in it, and gave them power to protect themselves because they worried that there can be evils even without power.
However, the enitity made the biggest mistake they've experienced: The goods are trying so hard to fight back from the evils with their own power that the evils began to become more powerful, until they were too strong to hold back. Thus, the enitity descended into the battle to fight for the goods. Then, they thought that their Art was still weak and needed to be stronger than it was now, so they began creating an even stronger Ancient Art that can make them many times more powerful. In return however, that Art required many time consuming and hard work. So after many months of crafting the Art, the entity then tested it out to see if it's new powers worked; The Art then gave the entity even more power than before, surpassing every art the humans had and making them officially the "Omnipotential Entity".
The Omnipotential Entity then went back to the human world to enter the battle again, using their new powers to help the goods seal off most of the evils that threatened the universe. However, they decided not to stop fighting and kept moving forward until the evils could not progress anymore. Even still, the evils began to evolve as well. As time went by, many evils had become stronger, and the Omnipotential Entity felt like they were getting weaker again, knowing it was time to evolve again. It still didn't regret giving power to every human because they can finally show off their true power of the Omnipotential Entity. Whether the deity is dead or not, the Omnipotential Entity is still the god and savior of the goods, and they will be very proud once the 8 Elemental Ancients and the other deities have succeeded.
There are limitless amount of abilities that cannot be used by players or has never been discovered. These are the abilities that are well known.
Ability Name | Ability Type | Description | How it works | Shard Costs | Mana Costs | Cooldown |
Necromantic Smash | Shielding | Smash the ground to create a very strong and massive shockwave that flings other around you, dealing hefty damage, giving you random effect. | The user smash the ground with their fist, creating a huge purple shockwave that flings enemies around you. Upon using it gives the user a random positive effect. | |||
Thaumaturgic Barrage | Mutli-Projectile | |||||
Magic Transportation | Transportation | |||||
Enchanted Bolt | Projectile | A powerful massive bolt that upon impact does a massive explosion and also giving one random effect to the user and a random negative effect to the opponent. | ||||
Magic of Magic: Harmonious Enchantment | Ultimate | Activates a powerful aura that gives every stats boost, making yourself extremely powerful. When done, use every stats you had to turn into one GIANT overhead bomb that gives every negative effect to anyone who got hit. |