Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Arcanis Cyclonis is an Arcanis Art based around wind. It can manipulate strong compressed air and is capable of stunning opponents.


Arcanis Cyclonis was wielded by a powerful sorcerer named Amelia. She was a strong user who would punish anyone who tried to challenge her with strong wind. She seemed weak, but she was strong in her element.

Before she owned her Art, she used to practice normal wind and light magic, whichn unfortunately couldn't beat clashes against most other mages of her kind. Amelia lived in a kingdom built upon a huge sky island called Silverkeep, where there were guards aplenty that protected the kingdom fairly and with honor. Most of the people there were nice, with many children playing around, and birds that sang peacefully throughout the whole day. As for Amelia herself, she belonged to a poor family who couldn't afford anything but food. They had to work hard for themselves to gain currency, hoping that they would one day have enough to afford something new. These were desperate times for Amelia’s family.

One day, she found a poster that promised whoever would win an upcoming championship tons of money, though it required magic. She asked the host to sign in, but the host instead made fun of her by saying that she won’t make it. Nonetheless, she got in anyways. Her parents were very scared that she was going to die because of all the strong abilities that her opponents would be using, and said that Amelia's wind and light magic was too weak to cause damage. She didn't care, promising them that she will win. It was a risk she was willing to take for her family.

The next few days, she was on her way to the arena where the championship would be hosted... when she heard a voice from a mysterious old man:

”Psst! Come over here, little girl.”

“W-Who are you? Why did you mention me?” Amelia asked.

“You don’t have to know who I am, but I don’t believe you won’t win the arena with just normal wind and light magic.”

“Then how am I supposed to win?”

There was silence for a moment.

”I guess I have no choice but to give you this special orb, and a spell book... besides being selfish to myself.” The old man told her.

”...Why are you giving this to me? You should’ve just keep it for yourself.” Amelia shot back.

”I’m very old, I can’t use my power at this age... I’m almost to the point where my death comes to my door.” The man pulled out a mysterious magic orb. ”Here, take this orb and win the tournament.”

Amelia reached out nervously and touched the orb, the energy instantly seeping into her body; Her magic begins to evolve.

”Now, go to the arena... Oh, and also... good luck.”

Amelia walked away from the old person. When she looked back a moment later, the man had disappeared...

When the first round came, Amelia and her first opponent approached to the centerpiece of the arena. Amelia raised her hand and tries to use her abilities... but nothing happened. She knew her magical powers suddenly changed, and she didn't even know how to use it. The opponent thought she had no magic and decided to use all his abilities with all he got, meaning to kill the now anxious and scared girl... when she accidentally unleashed a desperate, sudden gust of incredible wind that almost destroyed the whole arena, sending everyone, including the spectators, flying into the air to their deaths. After a long moment of shock, disbelief and remorse, the girl hesitantly decided that she won, and she took the thankfull still intact bag of reward money.

When she returned to home, her parents were surprised that she made it with a bag of currencies. She told everything about how she survived and how she got the new power; A power she actually liked, considered as a powerful wind magic.


Ability Name Ability type Description How it works Shard cost Mana Cost Cooldown
Compressed Air Bullets Multi-Projectile Shoot multiple air bullets, knocking enemies backward. The user shoots two circles and shoots multiple air bullets, dealing moderate damage each bullets and stuns the opponent. None 150 manas 7 seconds
Wind Dash Transportation Spell Dash at a high speed, leaving an explosion. The user summons a circle being them and release a wind explosion when dashing. 450 shards 100 manas 5 seconds
Compressed Air Beatdown Contact Spell Launch the enemy in the air and get constantly punches by air bullets. Then finish them off by knocking the enemy away with one huge projectile. If an opponent is near the user while using the spell, the user launches the opponent into the air, and surrounds the opponents with circles. Then fires multiple air bullets that deals small damage each and finishes it off with one huge air bullet that knocks the opponent. 900 shards 300 manas 30 seconds
Gale Force Projectile Shoots a big projectile that will constantly push the enemies. The user cast a circle in front of them and shoots a fast wave of strong wind, constantly pushing the opponent and dealing DoT until they escapes or the projectile comes in contact with objects. 1350 shards 250 manas 15 seconds
Gale Devastation Ultimate Charge your fist and punch the ground with all your might, creating a MASSIVE shockwave, knocking opponents away. The user raises their hand, charging it’s hand and also pulling opponents in. When it’s done, the user punches the ground, creating a shockwave that deals CRAZY damage to anyone who touches the shockwave and an additional moderate damage for anyone who got punched by the user. 1800 shards 1000 manas 2 minutes