Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Atom (アトム/Atomu) is one of the mysterious Superelements. Its color palette consists mostly of bright greys, reds and blues. Its medal depicts a typical atom structure.

Atom is the second Superelement, the first being Angel. Its spells are fast and can inflict serious damage if the target does not have a proper counter against it. It especially specializes in preventing opponents from escaping a fight.


Atom is an Element born to ensure its opposition cannot get away from it, with its wide list of highly damaging spells, many of which activate very quickly to ensure others have trouble reacting. Electron Revenue fires the fastest traveling projectiles to date, and Halogen Detonation can be placed in front of an escaping opponent to ultimately keep them in the fight until they die. Negative Swap and Neutron Swipe can both drain stamina and transport the user at the same time, making them useful in turning the tide in your favor. The Element can also be used defensively, but only to a small extent. Atom is best used by offensive users, not overly defensive ones, in order for it to prove as effective as it is meant to be.

This Element costs 3200 Diamonds. In order to unlock, the player must defeat the Superelement boss Atomachromica in his hideout after acquiring the Red Shard of Awakening. They must also have 275+ player kills, and 1250 survival enemy kills.

Note: Damage assumes 50 Power on a player with 50 Defense.


Spell 1: Electron Revenue (エレクトロンレベニュー)
Spell Type: Multi-Projectile
Spell Description: "Create multiple bands around you containing electrons that will zap nearby enemies before being launched away at high speeds."
Spell Info: The caster jumps into the air and creates two atom bands around them, the first one having two red electrons, and the second having five. If they charge it for long enough, they will create an extra band carrying another five electrons. They can summon a maximum of four bands, leading to a maximum of 17 electrons. While the bands are present, the electrons flowing through them will deal 45 damage and knock down any player that gets close. 2.5 seconds after clicking, or once fully charged, the electrons will fire as projectiles, at wherever the caster points, that deal 22 damage each and travel faster than any other projectile to date.
  • It consumes 245 Mana and has an 8-second cooldown
Spell 2: Halogen Detonation (ハロゲンデトネーション)
Spell Type: AoE
Spell Description: "Hide a giant atom where you click, which appears and explodes as soon as a foe walks near it, scattering stunning electron mines."
Spell Info: The caster hides a large explosive atom in the ground where they click, where a medal will appear for a second before disappearing. If another player gets close to it, it will rise from the ground, knocking down anyone around it, then explode, dealing 325 damage to closeby enemies. Its explosion will also spread electrons around the area. These also explode when they are approached; Their explosions deal 75 damage and paralyze enemies, rendering them frozen in place. If the main atom isn’t revealed within 13 seconds, it will disappear.
  • It consumes 275 Mana and has a 22-second cooldown
  • Note: The cooldown begins when the atom is placed. The cooldown is technically 9 seconds.
Spell 3: Negative Swap (ネガティブスワップ)
Spell Type: Projectile
Spell Description: "Shoot a projectile-destroying beam from your arm which allows you to switch places with an opponent, who will then become trapped within a collapsing atom to steal health, mana and stamina."
Spell Info: The caster fires a quick beam of bright red negative energy that destroys other players’ projectiles and travels a mild distance. If another player was hit, they will swap places with the caster, then become trapped in the center of an atom that collapses inward on them, dealing 320 damage and tinting their screen white. The caster will also steal 25% of their victim’s mana and stamina, and heal 175 health. If a party member is hit by the beam, they will be healed 275 health instead of taking damage.
  • It consumes 320 Mana and has a 10-second cooldown
Spell 4: Neutron Swipe (ニュートラルスワイプ)
Spell Type: Transportation
Spell Description: "Transform into an atom and zigzag to another location. If you bump into an enemy, you will drain some of the target’s stamina and teleport them to the original casting location."
Spell Info: The caster transforms into an atom for 3.5 seconds, allowing them to quickly dash a short distance 5 times (7 if fully charged) in any direction, leaving a white trail behind. If they bump into another player, the target will take 149 damage, teleport to the spell’s original casting location, and lose 50% of their stamina. As well, the spell will end there.
  • It consumes 255 Mana and has a 7-second cooldown
  • Note: The caster cannot hit party members.
Spell 5: Atomic Superiority (アトミックスーペリアーティ)
Spell Type: Ultimate
Spell Description: "Transform into a gigantic atom with four smaller ones that shoot particles that paralyze nearby targets before falling to the ground with high knockback explosions."
Spell Info: The user vanishes completely and becomes invincible, sending a shockwave which paralyzes enemies. Then, a giant atom with four bands full of particles appears in the sky above the caster, which is circled by four smaller atoms that each take particles from it and fire them at the helpless victims. One particle is fired upon each target at once. For the entire spell, they would be hit by a maximum of ten particles, each dealing 55 damage and keeping them paraliyzed. After all targets have been hit exactly ten times, the smaller atoms fall to the ground as the bigger one explodes. The explosions of all atoms each deal 295 damage and knock enemies far away before the caster becomes visible again.
  • It consumes 1000 Mana and has a 125-second cooldown
Atomic Superiority

The color of Atom's Spell icons


  • Atom is the second Superelement. The first one is Angel.
  • Atom currently has no official medal. The one shown is fanmade.


