2.0 revamped medal
Cobalt is a ultra-Superior elements fusing by two ways
1.gemstone +thunder god(cobalt god)
2.mineral + storm(normal)
You need 780 diamonds to fuse it. This element's spells is perfect if you need to stun your enemy and recharge you and your party members's stamina
1. Charger pulse
User plug in a tons of battery pieces with his/her electric power then shoot to where the user aiming with cursor. Dealing 289 to 330 damage and cost 250 mana. 7 sec cooldown.
Spell Type:Multi projectile
2.electro bullet blast
User pull a hidden bullet with light blue sparkles in the ground then user throw its at the target/where he/she aim with cursor.dealing 350 to 499 damage and cost 333 mana. 10 sec cooldown.
Spell type : projectiles
3. Flashing warping
user get wrapped by a crystal and quickly teleport where the cursor aiming. Cost 250 mana. 11 sec cooldown
Spell type: travelling
4. Energy takers
User shoot a sparking and very bright plugger and take Stamina, mana and health from others user he/she is aiming with cursor. Dealing 150 damage(50 mana, 50 stamina and 50 health taken included). Also heal the team members too. 8 sec cooldowns then the projectile return to caster
Spell type : healing, mana giving (unofficial idea)
5.sparking cobalt entity storm
user summons a COBALT giant moles THEN it Comes TO flash and stomp EVERYBODY WHO is 10 Meyer near the user AND DEALING 500 Damage EACH Stomp SLOWLY. COST 1000 Mana. 1 min cooldown .
If user is flying
user will summon a thunder dragon with crystal earring and it quickly crash down to the ground then explode and same damage as ground ult then a lightning bolt quickly hit the ground on random 2 player dealing final 499 damage, same cooldown but cooldown started when hit the ground.
SPELL TYPE:Ultimate, field/AoE
- EACH PLACE THAT MOLE STOMP will also summon a zapping crystal below them to stun who is not dead from stomping. It deal final 499 damage
- to dodge the ult, its easy. Use water tumble or light emission
- or rainbow shock wave or shadow sneak