Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki

"What hopes do you think you have, now that I have obtained the ultimate apocalypse within my grasp?"

- Blackheart Noir


Corruption (コーラプトージョン/Kōraputōjon) is a Fusion Element, and one of the mysterious Superelements. Its color palette consists mostly of various shades of purple, magenta and indigo. It's medal depicts what appears to be a planet (Presumably Earth or Roblox) in the process of being torn in half, surrounded by clouds.

Corruption is an extremely dangerous Element to fight against as it has extreme damage and defense qualities, as well as ways to bait or kill enemies quickly, and from any distance. Great for any possible situation, this element's only real weakness is its slow speed, with high mana costs, long cooldowns, and some end lag and immobility, requiring some timing skill to use successfully. However, if used right, it can devastate groups of enemies and cover a lot of ground.


Corruption, if handled with confidence and skill, can be one of the most powerful Elements in the game, capable of tearing huge chunks of health from, if not killing even high defense players in seconds, leaving no breathing room whatsoever. By corrupting terrain with its spells, users can easily trap or bait opponents, or at least hinder them and cause great deals of pressure, wreaking havoc in pretty much any server if you are familiar with it. To add to this, Corruption works at any range, with its versatile spells that can sometimes catch opponents off guard, or hit multiple opponents at once. However, one must be wise at which times they cast, otherwise, with its high mana costs, you could leave yourself very wide open very easily if you are careless or trying to rush an enemy.

This Element can be obtained by fusing Reaper (1350 Diamonds) and Chaos (1800 Diamonds), costing an additional 3500 Diamonds to fuse. In order to unlock, the player must defeat the current final boss Blackheart Noir inside the Corrupted Core after defeating Nekrius Darke Supremus. The rest of the requirements are yet to be decided, meaning this element is for now unobtainable.

Note: Damage assumes 50 power on a player with 50 defense.

Note: All of Corruption’s spells can corrupt terrain, turning it purple and dealing 12 damage pher second to any foes who are standing in it (Not party members.) It also slows them down and drains their mana by 12 pher second.

Spell 1: Continuous Discord (コンティニューオウスディスコード)
Spell Type: Multi-Projectile
Spell Description: "Fire a ring of corrupt fireballs around yourself, then seven bigger ones in an outward spread in front of you."
Spell Info: The caster summons a ring of 8 purple corrupt fireballs, which are fired downward away from the user, corrupting the ground they touch and dealing 95 damage each. By charging the spell, the caster can summon an additional ring of fireballs, covering further ground and resulting in extra damage. After the initial fireballs are launched, the caster then fires an outward spread of 9 larger fireballs which have larger corruption radiuses and deal 155 each.
  • It consumes 356 Mana and has a 10-second cooldown
Spell 2: Cryonic Devastation (クライオニックデヴァステーション)
Spell Type: AoE
Spell Description: "Corrupt the land where you click, which lobs corrupting energy upon all opponents near it, trapping them within corrupted crystals."
Spell Info: The caster clicks a location where they will send a fast traveling microbe which tunnels through the ground, leaving a trail of corruption on the ground above it. Once it reaches its destination, it will explode, corrupting the area around it and lobbing orbs of corruption upon any players nearby, dealing 265 damage and trapping them within dark violet corrupt crystals for 3 seconds, leaving them open to attack. Anyone who is caught in the corruption when it appears will receive 280 damage, a dark indigo tint on their screen, and a 4 second entrapment inside a larger crystal.
  • It consumes 350 Mana and has an 11-second cooldown
  • Note: Party members will be healed 125 health by the orbs of corruption, instead of being damaged, and cannot become trapped within crystals by the move.
Spell 3: Catastrophic Desolation (カタストロフィックデソレーション)
Spell Type: Projectile
Spell Description: "Create a strong orb of corrupted life energy that leaves a trail of smaller projectiles as it travels which, upon its impact, will pursue nearby enemies."
Spell Info: The caster slowly corrupts the land around them to create and shoot a dark blast of corrupted life energy which leaves smaller orbs as it travels (One every half second.) Upon its explosion, which deals 285 damage and corrupts the land in its blast radius, the smaller orbs will shoot in the direction perpendicular to the initial blast, cutting off to seek out players nearby. These deal 45 damage each and corrupt land similarly like the first blast. The spell can be charged for up to 2.5 seconds to increase the first shot’s size, and the area of land it will corrupt on impact. While any Catastrophic Desolation blast exists or is being charged, the sky will turn pitch black (On all players’ screens,) and displays a thunder flash effect upon the blast’s impact before returning to normal.
  • It consumes 325 Mana (+20 for every half second charged) and has a 12-second cooldown
  • Note: Party members will not be pursued by the small orbs.
Spell 4: Calamity Destabilizer (カラミティ・デスタビライザー)
Spell Type: Contact
Spell Description: "Stun an opponent in place and rain corrupt flames upon them which will cut all of their stats in half for a short time."
Spell Info: The caster kicks themself off of an opponent, stunning them in place and dealing 30 damage, then unleashes a column of dark purple corrupt flames that deal 112 damage and create an growing explosion effect, as well a sky beam that tears a hole in the sky. The target then suffers corrupt flames for 15 seconds. These flames extract 10 life, 177 mana, and 164 stamina overtime, tint the victim’s screen dark purple, and also cut all their stats, except for total health, mana and stamina, in half for their duration, making them an easier target. The target is also covered in intense indigo flames and leaves a trail of corruption wherever they walk.
  • It consumes 355 Mana and has a 15-second cooldown
  • Note: Using this spell on party members will replenish their health, mana and stamina instead of removing it, and won't affect their stats or screen at all.
Spell 5: Core Disruption (コア・ディスラプター)
Spell Type: Ultimate
Spell Description: "Open a dark wormhole and corrupt the whole map, engulfing all enemies with corrupt flames."
Spell Info: The caster creates a gigantic wormhole high in the sky above them, which launches a massive purple beam of darkness on top of them and causes Corruption’s medal to appear on all players’ screens. While it is present on players’ screens, the rest of their screens will be entirely blacked out for a second before they can see again. The entire map, except for the safe zones, then becomes covered entirely in corruption, the sky turns pitch black with constant thunder flash effects, and all players, except for the user and their party members, suffer corrupt flames (The same ones inflicted by Calamity Destabilizer) for the ultimate’s duration, which is 12 seconds.
  • It consumes 1000 Mana and has a 120-second cooldown
Core Disruption

Color of Corruption's Spell icons


  • Corruption is the fourth Superelement revealed, but is meant to be the second last one obtained... for now.


