Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki

Compressed Blast (Blast)[]

"User creates a ball of highly compressed air and throws it at enemies, dealing high damage"[]

Bomb Bullet (Projectile)[]

"User makes a dynamite in a form of bullets which they shoot at enemies. At first, it will deal no damage, but the last bullet will cause all dynamites to explode and deal mid-high damage"[]

Cyclone Air (AoE)[]

"User summons a high-low damage wind in a large range, stunning and flinging enemies (Can be held)"[]

Effective Cloak (Body)[]

"User creates a transparent cloak that increases speed and damage while also evading spells"[]

The Butterfly Effect (Ult)[]

"User goes back in time, then back to future to make summon a random natural disaster that will deal high damage"[]