Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki
Elemental Wars Crown of the WItch Logo

Elemental Wars: Crown of the Witch is an alternate sequel to Elemental Wars, taking place in an alternate timeline, and a reimagined story between the anime Fairy Tail and One Piece. It focuses on the plot in which the Seven Dark Witches, who where resurrected by the Cult of Oblivion, had decided to make their world another collide with each other, only to decide the other world's fate to doom and destruction until their own demise, taking inspiration from Story Arc (By ConnorLegendscribe) from ConnorLegendscribe, Pokemon and ᴀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴘᴏᴛᴇɴᴛᴀʟ from IiNotPokii.


Rage Meter: All players can absorb rage by taking +100% damage, and receiving negative effects such as burning, paralyzed, frozen, drenched, asleep, controlled, etc. to slowly fill the meter. By absorbing rage, players can increase their physical attack and ability power by 0.5% per each 5% damage taken.

Story Mode: Battle through the story, where you'll fight bosses and unlock powerful Elements.

Creeps: This new feature, allows the game to spawn creeps to attack any nearby players and gain experience as they can spawn anywhere in the map, whether in the maps in Tournament, Raid and Story Mode.

Character Partnership : Each Character has it's own Partner within the another element within some similar or lore reasons to band together for party purposes for missions or story events to take, others for Blending reasons to make new abilities, after completing Book ?? : Into the Academy. However, Half of these hundred original Elements where actually taken inspiration from both Original and Fanmade Pokemon types and another half were made as a closest similar element to the original. "Therefore, you may take this ideas as Blended Elements"

Elemental Partnerships
Element Partner Chosen Partner Fusion Element Name Partner Type Reason behind thieir Partnership
Fire & Heat Ardente Ignius & Aestusia Calore Scorching Blaze Original They both had an ability to burn opponents with highly combustible flames, so thus Heat was chosen to be a partner of Fire, because of it's hot temperature it may easily burn opponents within it, and it also one of the 3 original elements that made Fire exist.
Fire & Rubber Ardente Ignius & Purganium E. Elastica Burning Rubber Lore/Blendable They were both the main heroes from their own worlds before being forcefully summoned by Superbius, and eventually team up for the most of battles to come, and likely to to make new comboes with each other during fierce battle.
Fire & Zodiac Ardente Ignius & Cael Stellaris Flames of Ifrit Lore They were original partied to each other for a long time and overcome many difficult missions, long before Superbius did, and battled together for on some of the battles to be told,
Fire & King Ardente Ignius & Sir Regalius XVIII Prometheus Blendable One reason behind this fusion, is a mage of brought the light of civilization himself from the flames of heaven, Prometheus the Ultimate Scorch, his fire abilities are quitely devastating, and his powers can be passed into his chosen successor and can summon the most of the devastating creatures of Fire.
Fire & Ice Ardente Ignius & Cryo Fullfreezer Flame & Frost Lore/Blendable Both Ardente and Cryo, have seem to know each other as rivals, due to it's opposing powers and fight amongst themselves for quite a lot of times and accidentally witnessed a new power for themselves during their battle or teaming up against the enemy, and it is better be called the Frostfire.
Fire & Food Ardente Ignius & Gumia Devorator Furnace Blendable With it's deadly blend, they have mastered the ability of cooking some of the finest roasted meat with highly temperate flames, and now they had an ability to burn opponents into crisps.
Fire & Armor Ardente Ignius & Hera Armatae Flame Empress Lore/Blendable Ardente and Hera were also teammates and fought together for a few battles, and together they made a strong stand against the many evils, including the 7 Dark Elemental Kings who managed to conquere the Gigantomachius Island and even all the corrupted Elemental Gods in the Heavenly King's Tower. Together with their powers blended, they will from an unpenetratable shield of Hellfire.
Fire & Dragon Ardente Ignius & Verdentia Jadete Blazing Dragon Blendable With the Dragon Element combined with his flame, Ardente can now unleash the full powers of his furious rage of the Fire Dragon that will devastate your opponents from wide areas.
Heat & Rubber Aestusia Calore & Purganium E. Elastica Hot Rubberband Blendable The heat that is generated from the rubber, will produce a deadly sensation between scorching heat and overstretching rubbers from rubbing both it's elastical sides of a rubberband at such break-neck speeds to slowly burn your opponent
Heat & Food Aestusia Calore & Gumia Devorator Element of Oven Blendable Behold this scorching fusion caged within the oven, as the Heat Element will make their foods and their trapped opponents baked and brown as the burning temperatures shall seize theirs in their eternal blazing torment inside the deadly oven
Heat & Armor Aestusia Calore & Hera Armatae Armor Blacksmith Blendable Blacksmiths work by heating pieces of wrought iron or steel until the metal becomes soft enough for shaping with hand tools, such as a hammer, an anvil and a chisel, as the heat has transferred into the weapon.
Heat & Absolute-Zero Aestusia Calore & Crost Everwinter The Opposite Temperatures Blendable Between hot and cold, these two opposite elements into the opposite temperatures, The Heat Element will make their scorching rays of heat burn upon them, while the Element of Absolute-Zero, will seize them in a cold freezing prison that no one will surely escape you'll brightly warmer days within you.
Ice & Absolute-Zero Cryo Fullfreezer & Crost Everwinter Freezing Fever Original Both are themed around ice.

Element Class Tier : Each Element is ranked based on Total Cost, Damage, Defense and Ability Power

Tier 0: Starter (Starting Classes): These are by far the six most common elements to use and everything here in this tier has from no cost to low cost of learning, and these elements are by far the fairest set of Imbalanced Elements, even if they were imbalanced, they won't do much of the destruction. As the cost ranged from 150-300 Coins

Tier 1: Beginner (Common to Rare Classes): The classes are uncommon by normal standards when they learn, it will be either in easy or in a hard way, and it's set of Imbalanced Elements is in the least concern in the matters of destruction and it's state of being overpowered and there some of the non-fusion elements who were on this tier. As the cost ranged from 301-999 Coins.

Tier 2: Intermediate (Lower Superior Classes): The classes are kinda actually rare, as they are in the bottom half the Superior Class line, as they're some few of the non-fusion elements are in this tier, they can only be learned, if they managed to complete some the needed requirements, training and earning hard to learn this element. In this tier, some of it's Imbalanced Elements are slightly imbalanced by player's standards, while the rest are not much of a problem as they can be countered easily. As the cost ranged from 1000-1999 Coins.

Tier 3: Advanced (Higher Superior Classes): These classes are a bit rarer, than in tier 2 because in this tier, they are in the upper half of the Superior Class line, and they're on a barely few of the non-fusion elements, as the very most of them can be only learned through research and fusion, and it may have a lot of requirement to obtain these elements, training and earning is at the utmost time, because it would take a lot of time to earn these elements. In this tier, most of the Imbalanced Elements are either from somewhat properly imbalanced to seriously destructive to all player's standards. As the cost ranged from 2000-2999 Coins.

Tier 4: Saintly (Superelement Classes - Ring 1): These classes are very rare in their own terms of popularity, as they are in the first bottom tier of the Superelement Classes, which was divided into seven rings (or tiers) of Superelement Classes, by power, total time to require, the following requirement and the total cost of thousand, and this ring is for those simply managed that far to obtain one of these Superelements for the first time, and they are probably the most common of the Superelement Classes, due to the fact that, these elements had barely low total cost, and some easier requirements, while the rest can maybe easily obtain in first chapters in the Story Mode, such as Rubber, Perfume, etc. As they only cost 3000-3999 Coins.

Elements and Classes: Every 3 Elements belong to an Element "Class", such as Fire and Ice, and they were called an "Imbalanced Elements", with only 3 selectable at the start of the Story Mode in the first 2 episodes and 6 in Survival Mode, which are Fire, Water, Grass, Earth, Wind and Storm. There are over 200 Playable Elements, with 194 unlockable Elements obtainable by Fusion and Learning. However, there are also Elements pulled from ᴀ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴘᴏᴛᴇɴᴛᴀʟ as Elements as well. Below is a list of currently written Classes and the three Elements unlockable after learning each one of them. These Imbalanced Elements are considered to be a set of 3 overpowered version of the original elements that can be only be activated by "Rage Meter" and some of it's few requirements, their goal of these imbalanced elements is to be fairly overpowered as possible than the original class. When an Imbalanced Element is activated by it's following requirements, then the player cannot activate another until it resets upon death.:

Full List : https://fanmade-elemental-battlegrounds-ideas.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Imbalanced_Elements

Playable Element Classes in Story Mode
Emblem Class Imbalanced Elements Chosen Character Unlock Requirements
Fire Ignius (Fire), Cremazione (Cremation), Kaen (Flame) Ardente Ignius Playable from the start of the Story Mode and Survival Mode
Zodiac Zodiakos (Zodiac), Astralis (Astral), Sidera (Constellation) Cael Stellaris Playable from the start of the Story Mode

Unlocked in Survival, After completing Episode 1 : New World Awakening

Fusion: Spirit (Grass + Wind) + Space (Gravity + Void)

Rubber Emblem
Rubber Gomu (Rubber), Chiclete (Gum), Rekken (Elasticity) Purgamium E. Elastica Playable from the start of the Story Mode

Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 1.B in Book 1 or Episode 2 : A Strange New Friend

Fusion: Nature (Grass + Storm) + Petroleum (OIl + Earth)

Heat Emblem
Heat Hiti (Heat), Zestasia (Warmth), Rèxué (Thermology) Aestusia Calore Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 1.C in Book 1 or Episode 3 : The Lost Dreamer

Fusion: Fire + Light

King Emblem
King Hari (King), Nomos (Law), Gloria (Honor) Sir Regalius XVIII Unlocked in Survival, After completing Episode 4 : Ally in Distress
Perfume Emblem
Perfume Parfum (Perfume), Odor (Aroma/Smell), Etanōru (Ethanol/Methane) Princess Lilorum Unlocked in Survival, After completing Episode 5 : Unrest or unlocking Episode 6 : Tyrant's Fall

Fusion: Flower (Water + Nature) + Oil (Nature + Slime)

Ice Emblem
Ice Glacies (Ice), Yuki (Snow), Geleira (Glacier/Permafrost) Cyro Fullfreezer Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 3.D in Book 1 or Episode ?? : ?????

Fusion: Water + Wind

Food Emblem
Food Etel (Food), Ingulvies (Eater/Gluttony), Viande (Meat) Gumia Devorator Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 5.A in Book 1 or Episode'?? : ?????
Neptune Emblem
Neptune Poseidonas (Neptune), Oceanus (Ocean) , Vortex (Whirlpool/Vortex) Prince Oceanus Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 6.A in Book 1 or Episode ?? : ?????

Fusion: Water + Angel (Spirit + Light)

Armor Emblem
Armor Panoplía (Armor), Skjold (Shield), Defensio (Defense) Hera Armatae Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 7.A in Book 1 or Episode ?? : ?????

Fusion: Knight + Metal

Dragon Emblem
Dragon Qiu (Dragon), Lucertola (Lizard), Gonglyong (Dinosaur) Verdentia Jadete Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 9.B in Book 2 or Episode ?? : ?????
Absolute Zero Emblem
Absolute Zero Polnyy-Nol (Absolute-Zero), Lumimyrsky (Blizzard), Gelu (Cold) Crost Everwinter Unlocked in Survival, After completing World 9.D in Book 2 or Episode ?? : ?????

"Cyrius" the Frost Emperor defeated

Fusion: Ice (Water + Ice) + Space (Gravity + Void)

Metal Emblem
Metal Logam (Metal), Chalkos (Copper), Atsali (Steel) Kinzoku Blackhound Unlocked in Survival, After completing World C-1 in Book 2 or Episode ?? : ?????
Literature Emblem
Literature Bungaku (Literature), Runa (Rune/Script), Alphabetum (Word/Spelling) Levy Vivliografía Unlocked in Survival, After completing World C-1 in Book 2 or Episode ?? : ?????

Fusion: Mind + Paper (Wood + Technology)

Sound Emblem
Sound Fuaim (Sound), Bindo (Frequency), Chinmoku (Silence) Sonus Pulchita Unlocked in Survival, After completing World C-4 in Book 2 or Episode ?? : ?????

Sonus Pulchita defeated at the end of World C-4

Time Emblem
Time Chronos (Time), Terepōtēshon (Teleportation), Rin'ne (Samsara) Circinus T. Kronos Unlocked in Survival, After completing Book 3 and replaying it for the second time in World 1-P or Episode ?? : ?????

184 Classes remained to be written

Awakening Element Classes : These Element Classes have their own chapters prepared for their debut, and may soon be written and became playable

  • Nature (Book 3 - World 1.B) : Natureza (Nature), Espinho (Thorn/Spikes), Silva (Forest)
  • Pyromancy (Book 3 - World 2.B) : Piromanzia (Pyromancy), Faiaboruto (Firebolt), Incineratio (Incineration)
  • Water (Book 3 - World 3.D) : Aqua (Water), Bullatus (Bubble), Umi (Sea)
  • Clay (Book 3 - World 6.A) : Kil (Clay), Ferrumino (Cement), Nkolem (Golem)
  • Beast (Book 3 - World 6.B) : Bete (Beast), Távros (Tauren/Bull), Hóu (Monkey)
  • Gravity (Book 3 - World 7.2) : Zushi (Gravity), Magnetismus (Magnetism), Keno (Vacuum)

Planned Element Classes : There are some element classes i've already planned from other books in chronological order that may reveals the future of this story,

  • Star - The brighter light upon the space
  • Virus - The beginning of the plague
  • Sand - The return of the Desert Caliphate
  • Plant - A seed from the world nature
  • Geyser - A gushing stream of hot waters from below
  • Avian - The gliding grace of the skies
  • Storm - The wrath of the Thunder God
  • Order - The rule of the harmony
  • Creation - The blacksmith of world creator
  • Lightning - Shocking fear upon the darkest clouds
  • Chaos - An unstable energy of destruction
  • Steam - The evaporating waters from an overwhelming heat
  • Cyber - A warrior from the realm of coding
  • Dice - A bet between misfortune and luck
  • Fairy - A whimsical being from the imagination
  • Demon - Birth of the ultimate evil
  • Meme - The awakening the great soldier
  • Toxic - The painful sorrow of the ill
  • Sky - The graceful winds upon the sky

Undecided Element Classes : They happened to be one of the original 200 Elements but they haven't had story prepared for them yet.

  • Grass - The weed of every meadow of life
  • Electricity - Source of all shocking power
  • Physical - The muscle of the man's body
  • Psychic - A natural phenomenon from our senses
  • Insect - The crawling fear of a little creature
  • Earth - The power of the entire land
  • Ghost - A wandering lost soul upon the dead land
  • Dark - A gloomy oblivion
  • Wood - An endless forest of lumber
  • Lava - A deadly ash from the Mountain of Hell
  • Wind - The breath of a powerful blowing gust
  • Paper - The creation of the Origami King
  • Technology - An unbeknownst machine from the Far Far Future
  • Fear - A traumatic terror yet to be told
  • Magic - The power of the Grand Sage
  • Light - A shining gleam
  • Space - A celestial body of a lost wanderer
  • Zombie - Rise of the undead rebellion
  • Nuclear - The toxic remains of the bombed wasteland
  • Glass - A glasshearted shell of a frail soul
  • Plastic - The recycled waste of a moulded material
  • Fabric - The cloth of the fashionist
  • Angel - A fallen saviour from the heavens
  • Paint - A beautiful world from the creative painter
  • Crystal - A precious ore from the caves
  • Blood - The red liquid from the hunter
  • Oil - A slippery combustible substance
  • Love - A path to eternal friendship
  • Ogre - The greenskin brute from the rising clans
  • Shadow - A unseen creature of the darkness
  • Void - The end of all light
  • Clone - A duplicate from a copied soul

  • Explosion - A furious combustion of the angry soul
  • Dream - A strange new world from a deep sleep
  • Gas - The evaporation of the unknown airs
  • Animal - An awakening stampede from the wilds
  • Lunar - Dusk of the New Moon
  • Neon - A glowing light from an gaseous atom
  • Robot - The reason of the inevitable fate
  • Solar - Dawn of the New Sun
  • Speed - The acceleration of light
  • Cosmic - The power beyond the starry skies
  • Life - The birth of the New Beginnings
  • Death - An inevitable fate for all life to come
  • Destruction - An untold fate of the world's end
  • Pheonix - Rebirth of the Great Firebird
  • Luck - A second chance from the Unlucky One
  • Smoke - Clouds of the Toxic Ashes
  • Gold - The value of the selfish mortal
  • Aurora - The light of the Northern Skies
  • Size - The hands of the Giant's Scale
  • Frostfire - An conjoint will of Frosts and Flames
  • Nightmare - A terrible prophecy from the Dark Gods
  • Plasma - The science of the scintillating energies
  • Gemstone - A glimmering jewel that holds mysteious powers
  • Anger - The wrath of the Witch of Destruction
  • Holy - The sacred will of the Blessed Ones
  • Mystic - A strange person from the Occult
  • Hell - A painful torment for all awaited to suffer
  • Knight - A chivalrious soldier from the Royal Order
  • Goo - A slimy substance
  • Mathematics - The mind of the Greatest Calculator
  • Toon - The joy of the Animator
  • Eldritch - A demonic god from the another dimension
  • Summoning - The conjuration of Chosen One
  • Party - The grand celebration
  • Hair - A massive growth of the Princess in the Tower
  • Pain - The price of infinite suffering
  • Weapon - The armory of the Warmaster
  • Hate - The one behind all lingering pains
  • Curse - The condenmation of the Anathema
  • Nether - The strange world from the end
  • Mud - The swamp of the sludge
  • Cloud - The white angel from the skies
  • Memory - A reminder of the mortal's past
  • Spectrum - A glimmering wheel of colors
  • Energy - The pure power from it's vitality
  • Candy - A bittersweet revenge
  • War - A tale of the Battle of Armageddon

  • Chi - A life breathing technique from the master
  • Acid - A deadly corrosion
  • Quake - A shattering disaster from the lands
  • Air - The breath of the windy days
  • Mind - The soul of the Sage's Wisdom
  • Spider - An eight-legged creature
  • Mountain - The crushing heights of the peak
  • Spirit - A rigourous energy from the Altruist
  • Monster - A Resurrected Nightmare
  • Evil - The bane of all light
  • Flower - A wonderful plant from the Magical Gardens
  • Volcano - A inevitable eruption
  • Tornado - A swirling gust of fast paced winds
  • Code - The mysterious language from the Far Far Future
  • Bounce - A rebounding balloon
  • Horror - A nightmare witnessed by the feared mortal
  • Witchcraft - The birth of all magic
  • Flare - A sudden blast of light
  • Universe - The world within the galaxy itself
  • Music - A beautiful melody from the songstress
  • Cream - A delicious delicate from the Patissier
  • Necromancy - A Heresy from a dead magician
  • Radioactive - A deadly heat wave
  • Disease - The infection that brought a terrible ill
  • Digital - A road to the Cyberspace
  • Mirror - A reflection from a mortal soul
  • Block - The brick of the imaginative creator
  • String - The chord of puppetry
  • Harmony - The Defender of Peace
  • Clock - The watcher of time
  • Art - A brilliant creation
  • Diamond - A beautiful crystal from the toughest shell
  • Cowboy - The hero of the Wild West
  • Vampire - The ruler of the Blood Moon
  • Petroleum - The fuel of a burning gas
  • Emotion - The expression of the many faces
  • Oni - An Abomination to the Kingdom of Easternia
  • Ninja - An Unseen Assassin from the shadows
  • Black Hole - The Devourer of the thousand worlds
  • Illusion - A Decietful Trickster

  • Bomb - The Bursting Black of Destruction
  • Imagination - The power of the Dream Gods
  • Force - The strength of the exertion
  • Night - The shadows of the darkened skies
  • Laser - A supercharged beam
  • Mech - The machine of human's last hope
  • Day - The light of the brightened days
  • Flash - The speed of life
  • Galaxy - The world within our own universe
  • Immortal - The life of eternity
  • Reaper - The bringer of fate
  • Extinction - The end of many races
  • Bird - A winged creature
  • Mist - A strange wet fog
  • Silver - The glimmering spoon on a clear white plate
  • Nebula - The looming skies of the fallen star
  • Giant - The colossal awakening
  • Equinox - The inevitable balance between the two sides
  • Reality - The shift between the parallel world
  • Atom - The tiny things that unfolds scientifical things
  • Emerald - A green glowing crystal
  • Weather - An incoming disasters from the skies
  • Rage - The furious one
  • Soul - The vessel of the mortal shell
  • Inferno - The flames of hell
  • Slime - A sludge of ooze
  • Geometry - The calculation of shapes
  • Anime - A legendary animator from the Eastern Worlds
  • Dimension - The gate to the mysterious world
  • Holiday - The wonderful day to celebrate the Christmass Eve
  • Medusa - The legend of the snake-haired woman
  • Sorrow - The grief of the wounded soul
  • Blade - The sword of the Great Hero
  • Sin - The one who brought the desires of the despaired
  • Voodoo - A darker magic that brought terrible things
  • Past - A long reminiscent memory
  • Prism - A shining crystal of thousand colorful rays
  • Power - The one who started it all
  • Chilli - A spicy soup of death
  • Peace - The hero of Pacifism

This slot of 50 New Elements is free for these elements who were not completely included in original roster or as an Imbalanced Elements and they were requested and have a full set of 3 Imbalanced Elements and have their own lore prepared by the author himself. In case, they were considered as Secret Elements.
  • Marine (Requested by IiNotPokii) - Life under the oceans : Marin (Marine), Isda (Fish), Shayu (Shark)
  • Detrimentality (Requested by 410Gone) - The new admin of the Heaven's Tower : Kon'nan (Detrimentality/Difficulty), Efkolía (Easiness), Imposibilidad (Impossibility)
  • Viper (Requested by ConnorLegendscribe) - The venomous slither : Fidi (Viper), Shkhami (Venom), Lamia (Naga/Basilisk)
  • Gospel (Requested by ConnorLegendscribe) - Sagacity of the Hallowed Church : Evangelium (Gospel), Stavrós (Cross/Hallow), Manaaja (Exorcism/Innocence)
  • Vanity (Requested by IiNotPokii) - A desire of eternal beauty : Vanitas (Vanity), Yuga (Elegance), Shishang (Fashion/Style)
  • Gun (Requested by ConnorLegendscribe) - The invention of gunpowder and authority : Magnum (Gun/Rifle), Seido (Accuracy/Precision), Raketa (Rocket/Missile)
  • Wisdom (Added by IiNotPokii) - Prelude to eternal knowledge : Chie (Wisdom), Yeogsa (History), Qiānlǐyǎn (Clairvoyance)
  • Slot Free
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Maps: There have been several new maps and arenas had come to this game, either they appear in Tournament Mode, Story Mode, and Raid Mode, where all players come to fight against another player, kill some monster, completing story quests and raid some of the restricted areas.

Playable Maps in the Game
Map Episode Debut Description Gamemode Appearance Sublocations
Crater of Eternal War N/A (Default) These land is where all battle were settled by every single new player visited to this area, where all players come to fight against each other in this chaos, casting spells that brings massive destruction and bring them to their greater glory, and this eternal battle left a huge crater in the center of the map, where all players must fight. Luckily, there are few villages who settle there as a respawn point of the newborn players. Tournament Mode Mountain of Glory, Plains of War, Villages of Preparance, Crater of Eternal Battle, The Watcher's Range
Town of New Beginnings Episode 1 Welcome to the town of your new beginnings, here is your first ever map to be unlocked in the Story Mode, in the very first episode, after completing it. There, you battle some pirates, marines and other players in this village, and of course shopping around some items in your respawn areas, and there are some of a few good areas to camp, recover and snipe around the battlefield, and there will also a few crates to break that drops a few items but wait, you can buy ships or swim around the port? Of course you can, you can set sail around these oceans across the another maps. And this is where the tale of our heroes beegan and where you start training as a either as a Marine in the Barracks or as a Pirate in the Harbor. Story Mode/Tournament Mode New Beginning's Town Square, Hall of New Beginnings, Violet Harbor, Marine Recruiting Barracks
Violet 's Cruiser and Lovely's Battleship Episode 1 & 2 This two ships around sailing around each other on these oceans a bit further from the Town of New Beginnings, from which it can be only be seen as a background, from which you can only reach these two cruisers by sailing through it in Story Mode, from where you fight against these two pirate crew and face two pirate captain which are meant to be as your first bosses: Violet and Softy. However, you can find few of it's supplies in the dock. Story Mode Violet's Cruiser, Cruiser's Dock, Softy's Battleship, Battleship Gunfort, Cruiser Dining Room, Battleship Kitchen

Ported Page : https://roblox-magic-and-elemental-ideas.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Wars:_Crown_of_the_Witch
