Grass (グラス/Gurasu), or Gensei Sahohime (原生佐保姫) as it's properly called, is a Common Starter Element. Its color palette consists of many different colors, mostly certain shades of green, purple, and beige. Its medal depicts a leaf.
Grass is most effective at medium and short range, with many spells that can stun enemies heavily, or damage multiple at once. Some spells also have leeching properties, allowing the caster to heal themselves and their party off their attacks. It is mainly considered a utility element, having several ways to help allies recover from attacks.
This Element costs 200 D if it is not chosen as the player's Starter Element. In the old version, it costed 150 D.
Grass is an Element that mostly requires precision and aim. Most of its spells have large hit radiuses, while others have smaller hitboxes that will reward the user greatly when hit. Rail Needles can keep an enemy stunned for a good period, and Vine Entrapment can capture entities and move them to different locations, whether it's a party member, an enemy, or the caster's self. Grass is a tricky Element, having the potential to leave any player on their last limb, no matter their level. However, it is infamous for having several weaknesses, most notably Fire and Acid.
- Spells can become more powerful by absorbing Water, Light and Solar spells.
- Several spells can stun enemies.
- Able to attack at both close and medium range.
- Two spells have healing capability.
- Most spells activate quickly.
- Rail Needles can deal heavy damage if all needles hit.
- Some spells may be difficult to dodge.
- Some spells have large AoE's, and can cause chaos in survival mode.
- Most spells can be destroyed using Fire, Lava, Phoenix, Acid, and some Dragon spells.
- Most spells can be frozen and shattered harmlessly using Ice spells.
- Spells can be taken over by the Tangent upon contact with Technology spells.
- Only Grass Blades provides any close range defense.
- Spells don't deal much damage by themselves.
- Leeching Spore Bomb is best used in mid-range.
Gensei Sahohime is the third Element listed. Early Robloxians first witnessed the power of this Element when they discovered the race of fairies, who were playing around with it and training. To obtain this Element would mean to spend as much of your time as needed meditating and training in grassy fields or dense patches of ground plants like flowers and shrubs, sharing your soul with the organic life around you to gain its will of power. Once mastered, Gensei Sahohime can be used to gain control over plants to a limited degree, including their growth. This allows for a list of tricky spells meant to prevent enemies from having the advantage. However, the only ones who can use this Element to its fullest are fairies, grass elementals, and Robloxians who have absorbed grass elementals, which is rare.
Gensei Sahohime is the prerequisite of Genshi Botai, which has the most control of all Roblox’s organic life. Silva, the “Mother Nature” of Roblox, was struck by a thunderbolt from Zeus, which later caused her to give birth to the first fairies, one of which was Wika. These fairies were innate masters of the new Gensei Sahohime Element, but could teach it to Robloxians who they deem worthy of tapping into their power. This is a surprisingly common occurrence, and as such, many have been able to achieve it and use it in their daily situations. One must be wise where they plan to use it however, as many Elements can make fast work of its spells, which are all plant based and thus have the same weaknesses of all nature. Gensei Sahohime is also rather outpowered by Genshi Botai, which has more control over the flora and fauna than it has, limiting what power Gensei Sahohime has at its disposal. Many considered it to be one of the weakest Elements of all due to its long line of weaknesses, but upon discovering this, the fairies enlisted poisonous needles, bombs of magic spores, and long magical vines, empowering the Element by a few levels and giving it more of a chance against even Elements that can destroy its spells.
Zone | Response |
Spell 1 | Leeching Spore Ball (リーチングスポアボール/Rīchingusupoabōru) |
Spell Type | Projectile |
Spell Description | "Grow a large ball of spores and toss it to create a cloud and steal health from an enemy" |
Spell Info | The caster creates a fairly sizable, gravity-affected ball of pale yellow spores for roughly 0.75 seconds before tossing it into the air to either land wherever their cursor is or on top of whoever they are locked onto (There is a limited range). Upon impact, the ball explodes into a cloud of spores. Enemies in the blast radius take 120 damage, then 10 damage over time. This over-time damage effect is also applied to enemies who touch the cloud before it vanishes, and will only stop once the cloud vanishes. The cloud disappears after 6 seconds, proving a maximum of 240 damage. Whenever one enemy takes damage from the spores, the caster will heal 20 points (Does not stack with multiple targets), and can heal a total of 240 health. If the move doesn’t damage anyone, the caster and their party can stand inside the cloud, which will still heal them.
Water, Light and Solar spells can travel through both the bomb and cloud, but the spores will inhabit the water/light if such happens, causing them to heal their target instead of damaging it; It will also deal Grass damage to the Water/Light/Solar user should it touch them.
Spell 2 | Rail Needles (レールニードル/Rērunīdoru) |
Spell Type | Multi-Projectile |
Spell Description | "Wrap a thorny needle around yourself, which shoots rapid fire needles that can paralyze targets" |
Spell Info | The caster’s arm becomes wrapped in a spiky vine which, after a 0.5 second delay, begins firing light green needles at a rapid rate, disappearing once 20 have been fired. Holding their click long enough causes more vines to wrap around their other arm, legs and torso, increasing the number of needles fired to 40. Each needle sticks in anything it hits for 3 seconds and deals 10 damage while also paralyzing the target, tripping them and rendering them unable to move or do anything for 1.5 seconds, which resets with each needle that hits. 4 of the needles, regardless of how long they held their click, will be poisonous, causing them to appear purple rather than green; These deal 20 damage instead.
If the caster is hit by a Water, Light or Solar spell while wrapped in the vine, it will grow longer and go wild, forming brief armor for the extended duration of the move that blocks 50% of further damage until it disappears, while also dealing 55 damage to any foe that touches them or tries to use a physical attack on them. The number of needles fired will also be increased by 20.
Spell 3 | Vine Entrapment (バインエントラップメント/Bain'entorappumento) |
Spell Type | Transportation |
Spell Description | "Summon a vine to wrap around another entity and either hold them in place, or pull them through the ground to another location" |
Spell Info | A vine emerges from the ground where the caster’s cursor is (With a limited range). If anyone’s there, the vine will wrap around them and immobilize them for 1.5 seconds while also disabling their spells. The caster can use their other spells while the vine is active, or click the spell again to pull the target underground and bring them to where their cursor is. The vine deals 25 damage upon grabbing a victim, then 115 when pulling them to another location. The victim’s screen will fade to black should they be pulled underground, then turn back to normal once they are brought back up. If nobody was caught, the vine vanishes after a second. If the entity captured is a party member, they will be healed rather than damaged (20 HP when grabbed, then 110 HP when pulled). If it’s the caster who becomes wrapped in the vine, they can disappear underground and reappear wherever they click. Sometimes, a flower will grow from the vine.
If the vine is hit by an enemy’s Water, Light or Solar spell, the vine will grow bigger, reset its duration, and begin to crush the victim trapped, dealing 25 damage over time and 20 extra damage if they are pulled under. If the caster or one of their party members is entrapped in their own vine if this happens, they will take 50% less damage from further attacks instead of suffocating.
Spell 4 | Grass Blades (グラスブレード/Gurasuburēdo) |
Spell Type | AoE |
Spell Description | "Raise giant, sharp grass spines from the ground in front of you in an outward spread, launching enemies in your path into the air" |
Spell Info | The caster raises a dense wall of giant grass blades that grows in width as it travels and retracts after 3 seconds. Charging the move (Up to 2 seconds) increases the range, but decreases how quickly it widens as it appears. The blades are green and look like humongous grass blades, but they are sturdy, sharp and deal 250 damage to anyone impaled by them while launching them into the air with a 3 second trip. Enemies who touch the blades from the sides do not take damage, but cannot pass through them unless they clear the path with certain Elements’ spells. If the wall travels off an edge or into a wall or other obstacle, the blades will continue their path on and over those obstacles and/or along walls.
If a Water, Light or Solar spell touches the grass blades, they will grow large and taller, dealing 110 damage to any enemy that touches them. If any enemy is standing next to a blade or gets impaled when this happens, they will take 250 damage and be launched higher into the air with a 4 second trip.
Spell 5 | Emerald Heart Essence (エメラルドハートエッセンス/Emerarudohātoessensu) |
Spell Type | Ultimate |
Spell Description | "Raise into the air on a massive flower to unleash the power of life as a giant bomb of magic spores that can stun enemies and heal your party" |
Spell Info | A massive flower grows beneath the caster and encases them, raising them into the air. Once high enough, the flower blooms and the caster is revealed, donning fairy wings and forming a larger, more colorful version of the Leeching Spore Ball above their head. After about 5 seconds since they first clicked, the ball is tossed, creating a giant cloud of magic spores upon impact that lasts roughly 10 seconds, while they descend back to the ground as normal with the flower vanishing underneath them into the ground. Enemies caught in the explosion take 650 damage, while party members will be healed 600 health. Enemies who are hit by the blast or touch the cloud will begin taking 25 damage over time (Party members will heal 10 damage over time instead), which doesn’t stop until the cloud vanishes. The entire spell can deal a total of 1150 damage to enemies, and 800 regained health points to party members. Anyone standing in the cloud will be tripped and have a pale yellow fog effect on their screen, as well as being covered in multi-colored spores. The caster takes 90% less damage while creating and launching the ball. Before the ball is thrown, the caster can see arrows and a medal showing where it will land, allowing them to aim.
Any Water, Light or Solar spells that hit the caster, the flower, or the ball will increase its power and how much it will heal the caster’s party by 20 points. It will also make the ball, and thus the cloud, bigger than usual.
Flower is one of Grass's Subelements. Its color palette consists of gree, reddish hot pink, orange, reddish orange, and small bits of yellow and white. Its medal would depict a flower.
Zone | Response |
Spell 1 | Floral Harmony (フローラルハーモニー/Furōraruhāmonī) |
Spell Type | Healing |
Spell Description | "Spread healing flower petals around yourself for nearby allies while also pacifying nearby foes" |
Spell Info | The caster, after a split second windup, spreads pink flower petals in a 25-stud radius around themselves for 2 seconds. Allies who are in this radius will be healed 30 health over time while enemies will become unable to attack or use spells as long as they are inside.
An explosion of flower petals appears every half second while the user is being hit by a Water, Light or Solar spell, healing allies hit by it by 50 while knocking enemies down with a 1 second trip.
Spell 2 | Life Lift (ライフリフト/Raifurifuto) |
Spell Type | Defensive |
Spell Description | "Summon a giant flower beneath yourself, creating a temporary platform above ground level" |
Spell Info | The caster raises a large flower beneath where they’re standing which rises high into the air, bringing the caster with it. The flower stays there for 5 seconds, allowing players and other entities to stand on top of it. Once the flower is at maximum height, the caster isn’t stuck there, and can jump off or cast spells upon it if desired.
When hit by a Water, Light or Solar spell, the flower will grow bigger, with its head expanding as well. It can only get so big, however.
Spell 3 | Fatal Beauty (フェイタルビューティー/Feitarubyūtī) |
Spell Type | Summon |
Spell Description | "Summon a monstrous plant that attempts to bite any target and bring it towards its base" |
Spell Info | The caster summons a large tulip next to them, with sharp teeth lining the sides of its petals, whose head charges up for a second before issuing a fast lunging bite towards the caster’s target. After its lunge, it will return to its root location and disappear underground. Any compatible enemy caught in its jaws will be dealt 290 damage and pulled with it with their screen blacked out the whole time until they are released on the spot where the plant was; Should the enemy be killed by this attack, they will be pulled underground with the plant. It can only stretch out and lunge so far away, can only catch one enemy, and can be killed if hit by certain spells.
The spell has a similar reaction to Life Lift when hit by a Water, Light or Solar spell, with the plant growing in size up to two times, with each size-up increasing its range and damage (325 - 360), to the point where it will instantly kill any grabbable enemy who is below 10% health. It can also catch more enemies at once the bigger it gets.
Mushroom is Grass's other Subelement. Its color palette consists of beige, light pale yellow, red, purple and white. Its medal would depict a spotted mushroom.
Zone | Response |
Spell 1 | Spore Hop (スポアホップ/Supoahoppu) |
Spell Type | Transportation |
Spell Description | "Create and bounce off of a large mushroom that releases spores that can disorient enemies who make contact with them" |
Spell Info | The caster summons a giant, flat-topped mushroom with a very short stem near them in any direction they’re moving which they jump onto and bounce off of, performing a mild-distance leap while unleashing a wave of spores from the mushroom they bounced off of before it disappears. Enemies hit by the spores will receive 125 damage and gain wave distortions on their screens for 4 seconds.
If the mushroom is hit by a Water, Light or Solar spell before the caster jumps onto it, it will grow bigger, launching the caster farther and releasing a bigger cloud of spores that covers more ground around itself.
Spell 2 | Defiant Handicap (デファイアントハンディキャップ/Defaiantohandikyappu) |
Spell Type | Counter |
Spell Description | "Summon a mushroom shield that spreads blinding spores if it gets hit" |
Spell Info | The caster creates a big mushroom cap and holds it out in any direction they’re facing for 1.5 seconds. If most attacks and spells hit it while it is present, the attack will be nullified and the cap will release a short range cloud of spores that will push enemies back, deal 200 damage and blind them for 2.5 seconds. Certain spells will destroy the cap without triggering this cloud.
Water, Light or Solar spells will make the cap a little bigger, as well as increasing its duration by a second.
Spell 3 | Particle Bomb (パーティクルボム/Pātikurubomu) |
Spell Type | Multi-Projectile |
Spell Description | "Fire three fungal blasts that cause mushrooms to grow where they land, altering nearby opponents' movement" |
Spell Info | The caster creates a big ball of pale yellow spores in their hands, which shoots three smaller ball projectiles, each exploding upon impact with any surface and causing a mushroom to grow there, generating a swarm of spores around it for 5 seconds before vanishing. Each explosion deals 75 damage, and enemies standing within the spores will take 20 damage over time and have their controls reversed (Both effects persist for 2 seconds after leaving the spores).
Water, Light or Solar spells will cause both the spore balls and mushrooms to grow bigger, increasing the balls’ explosion size and the radius of the mushrooms’ spores; The mushrooms will also last longer.
Link to Original Doc.[]
Elemental Battlegrounds: Story Arc Elements