Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


This Element can only be used by KoolGalsi. It is unique for coming in several different versions, each with different spellsets.

Spells (Ray Form)[]

Shining Glare (AoE)[]

"User releases a wave of light to blind enemies and knock them back, dealing high damage"

Violent Blast (Projectile)[]

"User shoots a light orb that splits into mini orbs that can deal medium damage, while the main orb deals high damage"

Cannon Lambaste (Multi-Projectile)[]

"User raises 20 light spikes that deal low damage each; The user then releases them as one whole to deal medium damage"

Bright Flash (Shield)[]

"User flashes a big area with light to destroy projectile and beams; Enemies caught by the flash will be dealt medium damage, knockback and blind"

Gleaming Explosion (Ultimate)[]

"User creates a gigantic explosion of light (Similar to Shining Glare); Enemies hit will be dealt extreme damage, burning, blind, stun and knockback"

Spells (Phantom Form)[]

Shadow Strike (Projectile)[]

"User fires a transparent ball of black shadow that can stun enemies and deal high damage"

Phantom Surge (AoE)[]

"User creates a zone of dark force that crushes enemies, dealing high damage and blinds them while also applying knockback"

Ghostly Thrash (Summon)[]

"User summons a ghost to thrash nearby enemies, stunning them and potentially dealing high damage"

Creepy Heal (Healing)[]

"User scares nearby enemies, dealing low damage to them while feeding off their emotion to heal themselves"

Spirit Raid (Ult)[]

"User turns the floor black, trapping enemies as the spirits of the underground then pull them under, dealing low damage constantly"

Spells (Airwave Form)[]

Turbulent Sound (Projectile)[]

"User amplifies their whistle that inflict knockback and high damage, which becomes more powerful each time it reverberates off of any solid surface"

Airwave Crack (AoE)[]

"User absorbs air to suck enemies into range, then releases the air onto the ground, causing cracks to form and dealing medium damage. Enemies caught by the air cannot use any spells"

Multi Whistle (Multi-Projectile)[]

"User whistles to create air bullets, which will increase the caster's speed as long as they are in play; Each bullet inflicts several rounds of low damage"

Sonic Burst (Transportation)[]

"User dashes a large range; Enemies in the way of the dash will receive high damage; If user hits a wall, they will receive recoil damage"

Airwave Cyclone (Ultimate)[]

"User collects wind in their palm, then spins it to make a massive cyclone; The user then whistles to cause the cyclone to explode, dealing extremely high damage"

Spells (Volt Form)[]

Electrocution (Multi-Projectile)[]

"User shoots 5 lightning bolts at enemies, inflicting medium damage and stun"

Electro Ray (Projectile)[]

"User shoots a megavolt of electric energy towards enemies, dealing high damage and delivering a stun. Can't be redirected"

Skystrike (AoE)[]

"User fires 9 lasers that will combine to form a single larger beam, dealing high damage over 1 second."

Voltage Wave (Transportation)[]

"User absorbs electricity, boosting their damage and speed. While the user is boosted, they will release a low damage wave each second"

Pure Electricity (Ultimate)[]

"User shoots a gigantic ball of electricity to the sky, which then fires a high damage pillar of energy that the caster can control before it explodes, stunning enemies hit"

Moveset (True Form)[]

Ancient Magic (Projectile)[]

"Create a ball of purple energy and toss it at enemies, dealing high damage and healing yourself"

Sinkhole Formation (AoE)[]

"Form a large sinkhole that deals high damage to enemies caught in it; The sinkhole then explodes and flings enemies away while dealing extra damage"

Magical Dispersion (Multi-Projectile)[]

"Shoot an acidic magic from a pair of wings, which then reflects doubles; This will continue until it hits an enemy"

Ruin Chamber (Shield)[]

"Form a chamber that falls down from sky and vibrates the ground around it upon impact, healing and protecting you from projectiles and beams"

Cosmos Rain (Ultimate)[]

"Summon a rain of mini stars that each deal high damage in a large range while also inflicting knockback, stun, and blind, as well as healing you; The enemies then can't use any spells for 1 second" (This move is similar to Earth's Ultimate)

Subelement (Gas)[]

Burning Gas (Projectile)[]

"Blow a flammable gas in the shape of a ball that explodes on contact, dealing high damage"

Gas Grenade (Multi Projectile)[]

"Throw multiple gas-filled grenades that each deal a random amount of damage"

Misty Cloak (Body)[]

"User makes a cloak from dangerous gasses that boosts user speed, user can't damage any enemies with spells but user can damage them by getting close to them dealing low damage"

Detonation (AoE)[]

"User makes a gas that will explode after 2 second, the gas is releases like shockwave, before exploding, it will deal low damage, after exploding it can deal high damage"

Suffocation (Ultimate)[]

"User traps enemies around user in a large range then releases a very toxic gas that suffocates them, dealing low damage per milisecond, user then explodes the gas, dealing high damage and knockback"
