Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki

Laser is a Superior Element that controls lasers and high recently speed and damage. The Element ability is to powers of lasers that are streak of light or artificial light. The Element can used into Fire and Light with additional 500 Diamonds. This idea is made by S90148.

NOTE: This is currently remaked by S90148


Chromatic Streak
Spell 1 Type TP
Spell 1 Description "The Laser is ejected by the User and gets controlled by it. It delivered burns once goes threw other players and once it ends the path, The User teleported there."
Spell 1 Info The User casts a Spell that is ejected which is a laser that is controlled by mouse cursor and moves veryfast giving a bit of lack control. Once it goes threw someone, It gives immensely burns which is 1st degree burns which is 11 dmg per 0.9 s which lasted 3.6 s. The Laser lasts for 9 s and once it ends the path, The User who casted it will teleported there within the Laser ended path.

The Spells consumes about 210 Mana and the Cooldown lasts for 6.9s

Spell 1 Image
Gleam Emission
Spell 2 Type Bullet
Spell 2 Description "User uses a reflective mirror from a telescope then uses it to reflect light to consume it and unleash laser thin streak bullets that israpidly faster."
Spell 2 Info The User holds a mirror from a telescope and uses it which later resulted consuming the light instead of reflecting. The Mirror is controlled by the Mouse Cursor and very thin laser bullets is released and hits someone that dealed 29 dmg and bullet amont is 7 each for 0.55 s to be fired at.

The Spell consumed 308 Mana and the Cooldown lasts for 7.4s

Spell 2 Picture N/A
Triple Column
Spell 3 Type AoE
Spell 3 Description "User creates a mirror and uses it to unleash 3 lasers with different colors that is Blue, Red, Green that each of each of them having their own effects."
Spell 3 Info
Spell 3 Picture N/A
Radiation Shimmer
Spell 4 Type Blast (Projectile)
Spell 4 Description "The User holds a light ball and blast into a thin laser that is very weak since its a shimmer. The Blast Explosion will be soft and weak but a very high level of dangerous radiation that poisons the affected one for around a while."
Spell 4 Info
Spell 4 Picture N/A
Reflect Glint
Spell 5 Type Ultimate
Spell 5 Description "The User holds a huge glowing orb that is mixed with unknown compounds and now it explodes into lasers that is able to be reflected to everything even ground. If it effects one that it will critical 3-degree burns due to it's higher enegry that it contains."
Spell 5 Info
Spell 5 Picture N/A