Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki
Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki
Elemental Battlegrounds Lore of The World Awakening Logo

Note: Development has been put on hold; I will not continue working on this until Story Arc is finished. Thank you.

Prequel - Story Arc

Lore of The World Awakening is an era of Elements created by ConnorLegendscribe, and the sequel to Story Arc, including several new Elements to acquire. It is said that these Elements have existed even before legendary elemental hero Zachriel was born.

There will also be new Auras, Equipment and more!

Awakened Elements[]

Awakened Elements are an era of Elements will become available once you acquire the Red Shard of Awakening from the boss Dread Noir. Afterward, the Elements can be unlocked, before purchasing them, through achievements such as defeating certain bosses, completing all of certain characters' quests, finding certain interactables, and so on.

List of normal Awakened Elements[]

Name Medal Total DP Requirements Strengths Weaknesses
1500 - Red Shard of Awakening

- Sakubuki defeated (LoTWA Book 1 Chapter 1)

- 50 Robotic enemies killed

- 160 enemies killed in the Rimstone Plaza (Survival)

  • Huge damage
  • Many spells can stun or trip opponents
  • Great defensive abilities
  • Has a deflector spell
  • Effective at close range
  • No mobility support
  • No healing support
  • Spells may be easy to dodge
  • Sometimes mana costly
  • Some spells take a moment to do anything
900 Total, 200 Extra - Red Shard of Awakening

- Bastet's quests completed

- Earth + Light

- Grandmaster Fusion Skill

  • Great evasive qualities
  • Capable of both blinding and trapping opponents
  • Highly versatile
  • Low mana costs
  • Some spells are powerful in survival mode
  • Difficult to predict
  • Poor damage
  • No healing support
  • Can be outran
  • No control of quicksand puddle locations with Bottomless Valley
Physical Medal
1750 - Red Shard of Awakening

- Champion's Trials passed

- 100 Tournament wins

- 200 player kills

- 6 bosses defeated in survival mode

  • Extreme damage
  • Can throw opponents as projectiles
  • Makes you difficult to hit if used defensively
  • Can boost punching damage, movement speed and jump height
  • Extremely versatile
  • No long range spells
  • No real projectile spell
  • No healing support
  • Some spells have end lag
  • Ultimate drains all of your stamina


The mythical Superelements are the most powerful elements known to exist, wielded only by the most powerful mages. These elements have the most challenging requirements to meet, and doing so may take a very long time, but taking the time to work up to them is very well worth it.

Name Medal Total DP Requirements Strengths Weaknesses
Atom Medal
3200 - Red Shard of Awakening

- Atomachromica defeated (LoTWA Book 1)

- 275 player kills

- 1250 enemies killed in survival mode

  • Can easily prevent opponents from escaping a fight
  • Both very fast and highly damaging
  • Can steal life, mana and stamina
  • Has the fastest projectiles to date
  • Has a landmine spell
  • Chews up your mana pretty quickly
  • Some spells can be difficult to aim and land
  • Some spells can leave you open to attack
  • Charging a spell can put you in a very vulnerable position
New Mirror Medal
3127 Total,

750 Extra

- Red Shard of Awakening

- LoTWA Book 2 completed

- Shambuko's quests completed

- Spectrum + Illusion

- 130 Tournament wins

- Grandmaster Fusion Skill

  • Has two counter attack spells
  • Can mirror opponents' screens or blind them
  • Highly versatile
  • Very good defensive capability crossed with great damage
  • Not too mana costly
  • Very powerful in survival mode
  • Has an auto-aiming spell
  • Spells have a learning curve in order to be used effectively
  • Some spells may be hard to use
  • Best at close/medium range
Fear Medal
4030 (1030 Extra) ???
  • Can alter opponents' screens and stun them, hindering their ability to fight back.
  • High Damage floor.
  • No Elemental weaknesses.
  • Most spells don't shoot directly from the caster.
  • Phobia Enforce can trap and damage large groups of enemies.
  • Ultimate has double purpose.
  • Mid and Long ranges.
  • No Elemental strengths.
  • The only spell with healing abilities cannot heal the caster.
  • Slow Element; Most spells take a moment to actually do anything.
  • High Mana costs.
  • Vulnerable close up and to Rushdowns due to the lack of any close range effective spell besides the Ultimate.
  • Some spells may struggle against fast opponents.
Enchantment Medal
5650 (1250 Extra) ???
  • Extreme Damage.
  • Versatile.
  • Can both blind and stun.
  • Empower increases the damage of the next spell used.
  • Enchanted Bolt bounces off walls three twice.
  • Ultimate hinders and harms enemies caught while buffing and healing teammates/party members.
  • Spells are fairly quick to activate.
  • High Mana consumption.
  • Long cooldowns.
  • Some spells require aiming.
  • Poor close range defense.
  • Most spells lock the caster in place, leaving them vulnerable.
  • Can take learning and practice to use effectively.
Corruption Medal (By Comor3400)
6650 (3500 Extra) - Red Shard of Awakening

- Blackheart Noir defeated (LoTWA Book ?)

- Reaper + Chaos

- The rest is yet unknown...

  • Heavy damage, capable of killing an opponent in seconds if close enough
  • Spells can corrupt terrain, causing it to deal corruption damage
  • Very defensive
  • Can cut an opponent's stats in half with Calamity Destabilizer
  • Spells are extremely deadly in survival mode
  • Can trap opponents with Cryonic Devastation
  • Effective at any range
  • High mana consumption
  • Long cooldowns
  • Some spells leave you stuck in place
  • Any healing support can only be applied onto party members
  • Cryonic Devastation can be difficult to land on speeding players

Unrevealed Awakened Elements[]

A list of Awakened Elements that haven't been discovered yet:

  • Blade - The shine of the ancient light...
  • Mind - The knowledge of the world...
  • Poison 🕱 - The infliction of mass anguish...
  • Robot - A lesson learned from the Tangent...
  • Sonic (No, not the blue porcupine.) - The Master's final word...
  • Mystery ? - The anonymous one...
  • Mutant 🅧 - Something we wish never existed...
  • String - Common practice turned lethal...
  • Wrath - The weapon hiding within all of us...
  • Nuclear ☢ - The horrid truth...
  • Energy - The source of all power...
  • Nebula - An unexpected arrival...
  • Dimension - A titan we know little of...
  • Curse ⛧ - The start of the first calamity...
  • Purity - Our final hope...
  • Amaterasu - The one behind it all...

Current Characters (+ Character Symbols)[]

Ally Characters
Character Appears in Appears as Info
Bastet's Symbol
LoTWA Books 1, 2, 3 and 4 Ally/Deuteragonist The Lady of the Sands, and one of the many ancient deities brought from their eternal sleep by the Red Shard. It is said that this kind maiden wielded the Mezame Shuyō no Suterareta Element to protect the deserving and innocent... However, all those years of slumber have really given her an appetite! She is the mistress of the Rimstone Palace.
U'Dan's Symbol
Master U'Dan
LoTWA Book 1 Ally/Support Charcter The Champion of Charisma, Master U'Dan is the Alpha of the Champions of the Core, and there's nothing that's refreshed him into the fighting spirit than being awakened from his eternal slumber. Now though, he seeks to find out why he and his fellow champions were awakened, and what's in for the world now that the source is leaked.
Wando's Symbol
Master Wando
LoTWA Book 1 Support Character The Champion of Honor, Master Wando is the Omega of the Champions of the Core. He is the second oldest champion, only younger than Master U'Dan, but commands just as much respect. When U'Dan brings the Adventurers home after assisting familiar face Bastet, Wando assists in training you and Zachriel the ways of the fist!
Eichao's Symbol
Master Eichao
LoTWA Book 1 Support Character The Champion of Fury, Master Eichao is the Delta of the Champions of the Core... and an easy one to ignite at that. He is younger than U'Dan and Wando, but that doesn't hold him back from being a leader. The Mezame Jō Eikyō-ryoku Element is something few know about, and Eichao knows every bit about how to use it for good.
Midina's Symbol
LoTWA Book 2 Boss/Support Character Midina is an ancient priestess with incredible psionic powers... Enough to make Azus act weird from afar. She at first planned to have Azus give her the Red Shard of Awakening so she can seal it away, but Zachriel and his team need it! So after a bit of an argument, Midina... offers to help? This one's personality is awfully questionable.
Shamboku's Symbol
LoTWA Books 2 and 3 Ally/Support Character The Mirror Spirit, born from an omnipotential deity's conflict with Zero long ago. Shamboku wields the elusive Superelement Kami Hansha, something seemingly nothing could beat... But then something did? That might be why the Adventurers met him trapped in a shiny crystal orb down in the Toxiducts. Now he has this question: Who trapped him there anyway?
Echo-Russ' Symbol
LoTWA Book 3 Boss/Support Character Echo-Russ is a "impressively" built robot with the last bit of lost scientist Guy Russ' DNA and memories inserted. At first, the project broke out of control and they had to tame it, but once stabilized, Guy Russ was back! Still, he's not entirely the same as he was in the past... in more ways then one. He may look fragile, but... Watch out!
(No Symbol)

Exterminator 2000

Cameo in LoTWA Book 3 Robot's Ultimate/Cameo The Exterminator 2000 is a huge robotic fighting machine imbued with a Superelement to further boost its power. Now it can obliterate who armies on its own, but remember that it uses up fuel rather quickly... and self destructs when it's all gone!
The Mind's Symbol
The Mind
LoTWA Book 5 Boss/Support Character Nobody knows The Mind's real name, his origins, what his powers really are, or anything... Not even he knows. And as such, he travels discreetly all around the world, searching for the answers. Incalculable energy was detected off him... Let's just call his Elemental powers a Mystery...
Fundamental Figures
Character Element Realm Info
(No Symbol)


Fire God ??? Prometheus was the god of fire, and the first victim of the mad goddess Amaterasu. His Fire magic was unrivaled in his time. His legendary entry into the war inspired his son, Ignihono, to inherit his property and strength after his death, becoming the Supreme Kogasu.
(No Symbol)


Ice God ??? Tengliu was the goddess of ice, snow and winter, and the first to try and stand up to Amaterasu, who tried to kill Zeus at the time. She ended up sacrificing herself to save the lightning god, telling him to step away from war. Now, a statue of her resides in the Hope Mountains.
(No Symbol)


Death ??? Anubis was the god of death, and one of the deadliest to enter the Ancient Elemental War. His death to his rival Amaterasu enraged her bigger enemies, who held deep relationships with him, turning the whole war against Amaterasu.
(No Symbol)


Memory-Make ??? Moneta is the great grandmother of Midina, and the beloved goddess of memory. She was the direct inspiration of Psio-Legion, with her name being present in many of their chants. If she wasn't slain by Amaterasu in the war, she would've always been the legion's leader.
(No Symbol)


Arc of Embodiment ??? Uzume was the first to lead the turning of the war on archrival Amaterasu. She is remembered for wielding on of the rarest magic forms in Roblox history. Even ever since the war started, Uzume was the first target of Amaterasu.
(No Symbol)


Arc of Time ??? Takemikazuchi's family is the offspring of Grandfather Eternity, granting him mastery with blades and time. He paired up with Uzume during the Ancient Elemental War in attempt to bring down Amaterasu, but failed to drain her stamina fully.
(No Symbol)


Great Tree Art ??? Inari was a powerful god, but one that was at first reluctant to fight Amaterasu. After witnessing the deaths of Uzume and Takemikazuchi however, a devastated Inari stood up to her. In the end, despite her efforts, she eventually suffered the same fate as the rest.
(No Symbol)


Arc of Destruction ??? Hachiman was Amaterasu's greatest rival, having powers that overwhelmed most of the other wat combatants and gods. Once he was the last deity standing after Zeus fled, he tried to destroy the whole Warstone landscape in desperation before taking his archrival head on.
Enemy Characters
Character Appears in Appears as Info
Sakibuki's Symbol
LoTWA Book 1 Boss Sakibuki is the greedy, self-centered and hot-headed commander of the dreaded Steel Assassins, and she demands she be put into the spotlight. Half her body is replaced with mechanical body parts and weapons, yet her whole head remains intact. In the first part of Lore of The World Awakening, she and her crew lay assault on the Rimstone Plaza looking for the Red Shard of Awakening.
Atomachromica's Symbol
LoTWA Book 1 Boss Atomachromica is an atomic wizard who was mutated by his own Superelement magic due to not knowing how to control it, so he looks nothing like the rest. This has left him so maddened by pain that he has become a tall, selfish monster. After waking up after numerous years, a goddess has let him loose to eliminate a Superelement that would otherwise fall into a traitor's hands.
Famina's Symbol
LoTWA Book 2 Boss Famina is the younger of the Two Horsewoman of Atrocity, the Dark Order's first Superelement users. She combines her horsewoman prowess with deadly witch potential, known for the eradication of whole civilizations. While her older partner weakens and vulners their enemies, Famina unleashes Kami Dokuso, her deadly poison magic, to keep victims suffering for as long as possible.
Cogura's Symbol
LoTWA Book 2 Boss Cogura is the older of the Two Horsewoman of Atrocity, the Dark Order's first Superelement users. As if this undead lady's putrid jack 'o lantern mask wasn't scary enough, her Superelement, Kami Shingai, is her greatest asset of agony. She drains victims' hope and confidence moments before her younger partner finishes them off with a slow and painful doom.
Sora'Oshi's Symbol
LoTWA Book 3 Boss Sora'Oshi is the second Chaosapien to obtain the power of a Superelement after Zero Minus gave him his own army of Nebula monsters. Now, Sora'Oshi is devoted to hunting down the Adventurers and stealing the two things they need most: Shamsay and the Red Shard. If they want to find Zero Minus, they'll have to bust through this guy first!
Zero Minus' Symbol
Zero Minus
LoTWA Book 3 Boss Ever since his defeat in Story Arc Book 5, his reconstruction was set for millenniums... yet somehow it's happened now. Before their death, the Two Horsewoman of Atrocity sent the object the Adventurers were looking for into the Chaos Zone, and it flew into a part of Zero; He's back from the void of oblivion with an all new, indescribable power to play with: Kami Dai Uchū.
NDS' Symbol
Nekrius Darke Supremus
LoTWA Book 4 Boss For years since his transformation into the Deathlord, Nekrius Darke wielded the Superelement known as Kami Hinan, but he could never reach its true potential... until now. With Malmonger destroyed one final time, their souls fused and became a superior being that they both control. Its name is Nekrius Darke Supremus, the only one who can use the full power of Kami Hinan.
Blackheart Noir's Symbol
Blackheart Noir
??? Final Boss The Perfect Creation has finally reemerged from the Red Shard of Awakening she had turned into and emerged from Mount Malovence, but a lot of things have changed about her. Her power is unlike anything seen ever before, and her body has begun to mutate. She's not the host of a rift anymore, only a dark, pure evil soul with little mind for all life and what the consequences of her future actions are.
Ameturasu's Symbol
??? Final Boss The Goddess of space and time, a heavenly being of power unmatched in the universe, and the true reasoning behind the creation and distribution of the old Elements. From her long history, she's been gone for a very long time... but now that time has elapsed, and the ultimate deity has finally emerged. You'd think that'd be a good thing... but no, nothing good can come seeing her step upon the surface once again...
Group Alignment Appears in Info
Steel Assassins Chaotic Evil LoTWA Part 1 The Steel Assassins are a hoard of cyborg mercenaries who culturize Mezame Jō Kinzoku as their leader, god and superior power. To appease their beliefs, behave like barbarians, laying raids and attacks upon unsuspecting towns, villages and settlements to steal and kill with tooth and claw.
Champions of the Core Neutral Good LoTWA Part 1 The Champions of the Core are a bloodline of incredibly strong fighters who train near the core of Roblox, emerging when the world needs them. Fireballs and thunderbolts won't intimidate these guys, because their physical fight force is to be reckoned with.
Atomic Wizards Chaotic Neutral LoTWA Part 1 The Atomic Wizards are said to be the first to culturize a Superelement, and remained an icon because of so. The problem is that their strongest member, Atomachromica, isn't like any of them... and yet there's nothing they can do about it.
Psio-Legion Neutral Good LoTWA Part 2 The Psio-Legion are a council of priests who are masters of the Mezame Jō Kōseki Element... and perform the strangest rituals with it. Most of these involve a person to volunteer for these "experiments". Who knows what their origins are at this point.
Ancient Warlocks Lawful Good LoTWA Part 4 This mysterious group of wizards were the ones who created and used the mighty Superelement, Kami Fujutsu, which is now mistakenly in the hands of Zachriel's younger sister Shamsay! Will they come soon to retrieve it?

Art Gallery[]

Note: The in-game story is a bit different than the canon storyline, so a few facts and things might not be present in the Roblox game (Should this become one, at least), due to Roblox's rules and community standards.

Sequel - Heroes of Enigma (HoE)
