Metal (メタル/Metaru), or Mezame Jō Kinzoku (目覚め上金属) as it's properly called, is an Awakened Superior Element. Its color palette consists of various shades of grey and metallic colors. Its medal depicts a cog.
Metal is an Element designed stop opponents in their tracks, and deal extreme damage at the same time. While lacking mobility, most of its spells hit hard and often affect enemies' movements in some way.
Metal is both a defensive and offensive Element with extreme damage output and several ways to defend against attacks. While it's a little slow and has high mana costs, it can prove very useful in tight situations. Scrapmaker fires projectiles that become bigger and more powerful as they fire, and can push players, possibly disrupting their combos in the process. Impaling Steel can not only act as a solid wall for projectiles, but also block and impale players, leaving them open for a follow up attack or combo. Iron Skin reflects melee damage, and bounces away projectiles at once. Weight In The Sky is effective against unsuspecting campers and large groups of enemies. While it is a look-to Element for almost any situation, remember that it is recommended that one Metal spell should be used in combos, as it's mana usages are quite high and sometimes take a second to do anything. Faster elements can also be possible counters for Metal.
This Element costs 1500 Diamonds. In order to unlock, the player must defeat the boss Sakubuki in the Rimstone Plaza after acquiring the Red Shard of Awakening. They must then kill 50 robotic enemies, and kill 160 enemies in the Rimstone Plaza survival map.
This Element is still being researched.
Note: Damage assumes 50 Power on a player with 50 Defense.
Spell 1: | Scrapmaker (スクラップメーカー) |
Spell Type: | Multi-Projectile |
Spell Description: | "Fire multiple metal scraps, each one bigger and more damaging than the last, then one large metal projectile that deals the most damage and stuns targets." |
Spell Info: | The caster shoots 12 scraps of metal (16 when fully charged) that bounce about on contact and push enemies. Each scrap fired is bigger and more damaging than the last (The first deals about 20 damage, each scrap after it deals about 5-7 more). The last, biggest scrap is delayed by a second, and can knock enemies that it hits away. The caster can press “E” to fire the last shot early.
Spell 2: | Impaling Steel (インパリングスチール) |
Spell Type: | Projectile |
Spell Description: | "Draw out a line using your mouse cursor. Large steel spikes emerge from the ground along this line, which can impale enemies." |
Spell Info: | The caster draws a line (That only they can see, though others can still see the medal) with their cursor. After 1-1.5 seconds, large steel spikes emerge along the line they drew, making the ground shake. These steel spines deal 75 damage and knock back those who touch them, but those who were standing on the line will be impaled, taking 287 damage and being held in place until the spikes retract (After 3 seconds), vulnerable to follow up spells.
Spell 3: | Iron Skin (アイアンスキン) |
Spell Type: | Transformation |
Spell Description: | "Become metallic, bouncing incoming projectiles away, and reflecting damage back onto close range attackers for a short period." |
Spell Info: | The user glows brightly for a second and turns their skin metallic for 15 seconds. While their skin is iron and shiny, many projectiles that stray close will be bounced away, and 25% of damage dealt to the caster by a melee attack or contact spell will be reflected onto the opponent.
Spell 4: | Weight In The Sky (ウエイトインザスカイ) |
Spell Type: | AoE |
Spell Description: | "Summon a large anvil in the sky which then falls, crushing and stunning enemies underneath it. You can alternatively press “X” while it’s airborne to detonate it into bouncing metal balls." |
Spell Info: | The caster summons a large anvil from the sky and fall into the cursor's location, creating a shockwave that deals 115 damage and pushes enemies back, and a crater around its crash site. If an enemy is standing underneath the anvil and gets crushed, they will receive 350 damage, and will not be able to move or see anything until it disappears. If the caster presses “X” while the anvil is still airborne, it will explode into 8-13 metal balls which fall in random directions and deal 167 damage each, knocking down enemies with a 1 second trip, while also bouncing off the ground twice, creating sparks which deal 65 damage on contact.
Spell 5: | Terminate (ターミネーション) |
Spell Type: | Ultimate |
Spell Description: | "Jump into the air and shape refined metal into a giant gatling to fire explosive bullets wherever they aim, which stun opponents and shoot faster overtime. Then, transform it into a cannon to deliver a final, heavily damaging blast." |
Spell Info: | The caster jumps into the air and summons a giant minigun, which begins firing up to 40 explosive metal bullets that each deal 15 damage, stun, and throw targets forward, backwards, or sideways slightly. As the gun continues to fire (For about 8 second after it begins firing), its rate of fire gradually increases. After its ammo has expired, the caster transforms it into a giant cannon, allowing them to shoot a final blast which deals 350 damage and has a massive blast radius. The entire spell (If the final blast isn’t triggered early by pressing “Y”) can deal 750 damage in total.

The color of Metal's spell icons.
2021-2-2: Switched Weight In The Sky to an AoE, and Impaling Steel to a Projectile, as well as removing the defense increase feature of Iron Skin. Also fixed some typos.
2021-7-11: Updated info box and improved visuals.
2021-7-30: Updated spell descriptions.
2021-9-8: Updated requirements.