This element is one I've been conceptualizing for a while, It has spells that rely on confusing and blinding the player to take down their target easily, however, the spells are extremely costly in mana, so you'd need a whole lot more skill level points put into mana if you would want to put this in your builds.
Obtained by Fusing Spirit and Void, and also paying 850 Diamonds.
(And selling your soul to the god of trolling. of course.)
Spells listed below this sentence here.
- Neuron Strings |Type: Multi-Projectile| |Cooldown: 6 Seconds| |Mana Cost: 400| |Shard Cost: Free|
"User casts a quick slash of energy, from which 7 strings shoot out in the direction of the cursor, dealing medium damage for each string that hits. Will drain a moderate amount of Stamina and Mana, while also flipping the hit player's screen upside-down for 1 second. When this spell is charged, or held down, it can shoot increasingly more strings, up to 14, that drain a high amount of stamina and mana, while also flipping the hit player's screen for up to 3 seconds, dealing medium-high damage."
- Cerebral Distortion |Type: Blast| |Cooldown: 7 Seconds| |Mana Cost: 475| |Shard Cost: 666|
"User raises themself up a bit, before throwing a sphere towards where they clicked that stretches while in flight. when a player is hit by the projectile, they are stunned briefly, dealing Medium damage. Their screen colors will be inverted for a few moments, similar to Nightmare's attacks. Their magic will be disabled for 3 seconds after they are no longer stunned, forcing the hit player to retreat for a moment to regain their magic abilities."
- Cognitive Pulsar |Type: AoE| |Cooldown: 9 Seconds| |Mana Cost: 525| |Shard Cost: 1000|
"User will levitate upwards quickly, and then send a ring of energy outwards. Dealing high damage. Anyone hit by this ring will be stunned for a few moments, have their attacks weakened by 25% for 20 seconds, Their controls reversed for 2 seconds, and their magic disabled for 4 seconds."
- Mirror Image |Type: Body Transformation| |Cooldown: 45 Seconds| |Mana Cost: 600| |Shard Cost: 1400|
"User will propel themselves through a mirror, breaking it. After playing this animation, 2 clones, similar to Illusion, will spawn next to the user, they will move around randomly until finding a nearby player, when this happens, they will repeatedly use 'Neuron Strings' on a 5 second cooldown while chasing the player, until the body transformation ends. The user will gain an attack buff of 50%, all their spells' mana cost will be cut in half except ultimates. If a clone is hit by another player, the damage will be cut in half, and sent back to the player who damaged the clone, and invert the attacker's screen colors for 2 seconds."
- The Dark Age |Type: Ultimate| |Cooldown: 120| |Mana Cost: 1000| |Shard Cost: 2000|
"User will create a beam, and fire it in circles around them. The beam will slowly spiral up, the circles getting smaller as it travels higher up, in a cone-like shape. Once the beam hits its apex, it will expel a flash of light, before crashing down on the user, creating a massive shockwave. Dealing massive damage to opponents caught in the radius of the ultimate. Any opponents who are hit by the blast will be flung far from the center of the explosion, as well as have the order of their spells in their hotbar scrambled for 30 seconds, blinded for 5 seconds, and their magic disabled for 15 seconds."
- Created and Conceptualized by Purple Protogen
- Medallion art concept made by Purple Protogen and Some Close Friends
- Thank you for taking time to look at this idea, have a blessed day.