Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Mirror (ミラー/Mirā) is a Fusion Element, and one of the mysterious Superelements. Its color palette consists of mostly white, blue, lavender, and light sky blue. Its medal depicts an oval shaped mirror.

Mirror is the King of the Hill when it comes to defense, with its highly damaging defensive spells. It's not only effective for forcing opponents to stay back and on their heels, but also for disorienting them as well.


Mirror is a multi-purpose monster of an Element, capable of serving as a damager, a defender, and a confuser, much like its two fusion components. Two of its spells can absorb damage from other opponents' spells and fire it all back onto them, making foes unsure of when to attack, or which spell to use against users of this Element. It is also capable of mirroring players' screens (Mostly through Spectral Illusion,) which can be perfect for disorienting and confusing them if needed. Shatter Warp can also be useful for getting around, and damaging a nearby opponent at the same time, potentially being a great start to any combo if used well. Although, every Element has a weakness; Only one of Mirror's spells has long range, and takes while to actually fire, making this Element usually only useful in close range battles. Attacking a Mirror user as quickly and as wisely as possible, and then retreating often could also be a good counter strategy against it.

This Element can be obtained by fusing Spectrum (700 Diamonds) and Illusion (1677 Diamonds), costing an additional 750 Diamonds to fuse. In order to unlock, the player must complete all quests given by Shambuko, who can be found in Mount Prismatic after acquiring the Red Shard of Awakening. They must also have 130+ Tournament wins. This fusion requires Grandmaster Fusion Skill.

Note: Damage assumes 50 Power on a player with 50 Defense.


Spell 1: Haunted Shine (ホーンテッド・シャイン)
Spell Type: Projectile
Spell Description: "Summon a mirror which deflects all projectiles that hit it, then expels a blast of light that becomes more powerful the more projectiles it deflected."
Spell Info: The caster summons a large rectangle shaped mirror in front of them, which then shatters to fire a blast of light. They can charge the spell to delay the shot for up to 5 seconds. The mirror, before it shatters, bounces away projectiles that stray close to the caster, with each deflection making the blast more damaging and cracking the mirror slightly. The blast normally deals 245 damage, but inflicts 12 more per Multi-Projectile bullet deflected, and 55 more pher other projectiles. If it would deal 355 damage or more, its blast radius is larger, and targets will have their screens mirrored for 4 seconds. The mirror, blast and explosion would also become more colourful. While being charged, the mirror will face whatever direction the caster’s mouse cursor is pointing.
  • It consumes 266 Mana and has a 9-second cooldown
Spell 2: Spectral Illusion (スペクトルイリュージョン)
Spell Type: AoE
Spell Description: "Construct a giant mirror which shoots a beam of light at the closest nearby enemy, hurting them and mirroring their screen."
Spell Info: The caster summons a big hand mirror to float above them for 7 seconds while aiming a beam of light at the closest enemy, dealing 22 damage pher half second, while also mirroring their screen and tinting it bright lavender. It has a limited range.
  • It consumes 270 Mana and has a 17-second cooldown
  • Note: Party members will never be targeted by the mirror.
  • Note: Cooldown activates when the mirror appears, so technically the cooldown is 10 seconds.
Spell 3: Shatter Warp (シャッターワープ)
Spell Type: Transportation
Spell Description: "Jump into a magic mirror, which spins quickly to your desired location before splitting into three, and firing three blinding light rays at a target."
Spell Info: The caster summons a mirror in front of them and jumps into it, allowing them to spin towards where they click while inside the mirror. Once at their destination, the mirror multiplies into three copies, and the user and the two shadowy demons that appear in the side mirrors simultaneously fire beams of light at where they point. Each beam deals 85 damage (For a total of 255 damage,) and blinds those hit (Does not stack.)
  • It consumes 300 Mana and has an 11-second cooldown
Spell 4: Cursed Reflection (カーズド・リフレクション)
Spell Type: Defensive
Spell Description: "Create a barrier around yourself and counter all attacks with blasts of light. The damage attackers take depends on the power of the attack."
Spell Info: The caster surrounds themself in a glowing ball of light for 2 seconds (3 seconds if fully charged.) If they are hit by a non-Ultimate spell while it is present, the attacker will take damage instead, via a beam of light, while the caster remains safe and gains a sparkly aura that delivers the same effects upon any additional attacks for 2 seconds. The damage attackers take is more than the damage they would have done to the caster; They will take 15 more damage pher Multi-Projectile hit, 50 more pher Projectile and AoE hit, and 7-55 more damage per Defensive hit. If the attack is a Contact spell, the attacker breaks the barrier and gets blasted away, receiving 378 damage and a 3 second blind.
  • It consumes 250 Mana (+225 if used successfully) and has a 10-second cooldown
Spell 5: Realm Of Reversal (レルムオブリバーサル)
Spell Type: Ultimate
Spell Description: "Summon a giant mirror that draws all nearby enemies into a world where they are attacked before ejecting them with mirrored, highly brightened screens."
Spell Info: The caster summons a giant mirror behind them and smashes through it, causing any players close enough to be drawn inside with them (Similarly with Technology’s Virtual Zone.) They then become trapped within a shadowy mirror realm and are placed inside a square of even bigger mirrors with enlarged versions of the caster inside each, which charge and fire large beams of light at them for 5 seconds, dealing 640 damage (64 damage pher half-second). The mirrors then merge into a far bigger one, in which the seeming gigantic caster unleashes a blinding flash of light which deals a final 125 damage and blasts the victims out, leaving them, as well as anyone else near the initial mirror, with mirrored, highly brightened screens for 10 seconds. The user then jumps out of the mirror before it vanishes.
  • It consumes 1000 Mana and has a 125-second cooldown
Realm Of Reversal

The color of Mirror's Spell icons


  • Mirror has been suggested in polls ever since the very first one.
  • Many people quote that Mirror is very similar to Illusion.
  • Since date 2021-07-30, Mirror was given an official medal by John Harley on Discord.
  • Mirror is the third Superelement.


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