This element can trick enemies while dealing high dmg, this element has a colour of dark purple-red and purple-red outline.[]
Repeating Waves (Beam)[]
"User shoots a beam through a portal then repeats it many times to make a dash of beams similar to Aciculated Spikes , dealing high dmg to ppl hit by it "[]
Feint Bullet (Multi Projectile)[]
"User shoots 3 bullets to a portal, user then have 10 seconds to release it to any areas,dealing medium dmg"[]
Maximized Strike (AoE)[]
"User summons a portal above user, then the portal shoots a gigantic laser that deal high dmg to enemies in range and heal to user"[]
Multi Portal (Sheild)[]
"User makes many portals surround user from aboves, the portal then sends a beam that travels similar to orbital strike, projectile and beams will dissipate if hit by the beam.[]