Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki

Pulsar is a Superior Element. Its color palette consists of yellow gold, bright red, neonic dark blue and white. Its medal depicts a Pulsar that emits electromagnetic light in the opposite direction.

Pulsar is great for close-medium range with high damage, and most of Pulsar's spells burn enemies like most Fire, Plasma, Lava and Phoenix spells. But with a lack of high mana usage and a long cooldown. This Element is obtained by fusing Solar (4522 Diamonds) and Explosion (1100 Diamonds).



Spell 1 type : Projectile

Spell 1 description : " Traps nearby enemies in an electromagnetic beam with a rapid burning beam and followed up with a second explosive electromagnetic beam, leaving them to burn. "

Spell 1 Info : The user charges and fires a harmless blue-white beam that traps all nearby players to the location the beam was fired. The user then fires a powerful beam that flings the trapped players, dealing average damage as well as burn damage with a smoke effect emanating from their character, dealing 500 damage and 30 DoT (Damage over Time). Just like Double-ray from Solar

  • Consumes 455 Mana, and has a 12 Seconds cooldown.

Neutron Pulse[]

Spell 2 type : Shielding

Spell 2 description : " Forms a small sun that quickly explodes causing a tiny neutron star to spin while emitting an electromagnetic beam which deals high damage and pushes nearby enemies. "

Spell 2 Info : Forming a small medium-sized sun that shrinks inward again and explodes releasing a shockwave, resulting in the emergence of a rapidly rotating neutron star while emitting electromagnetic rays. Deals 650 damage to enemies who make contact and leave a blue-white flame.

  • Costs 710 Shards, consumes 590 Mana, and has a 18 Seconds cooldown.

Star Burst[]

Spell 3 type : Contact

Spell 3 description : " Traps enemies in small stars and detonates them, causing pulsars to appear and throw them back. "

Spell 3 Info : The user grabs nearby enemies and pushes them back dealing 50 damage, and proceeds to create a small star above them that pull the enemy inside. The star explodes and turns into a pulsar, causing the enemy to be flung backwards dealing 450 damage. Dealing 500 damage in total.

  • Costs 910 Shards, consumes 500 Mana, and has an 11 Seconds cooldown.

Pulsar's Anger[]

Spell 4 type : AoE

Spell 4 description : " User creates a pulsar star above the click or tap location that spin faster and then make it explode resulting a massive explosion and deal high damage to nearby enemies. "

Spell 4 Info : The user creates a pulsar star above the click or tap location that rotates faster over time and pull nearby enemies within the area, while giving 80 DoT (Damage over Time) to the enemy in the pulsar, After 3 seconds the pulsar will explode that resulting a massive explosion that deals 790 damage to enemies and stunning them while throws them. Charging the spell will increase its pull radius and damage. Idea by Kokoro1senpai.

  • Costs 1710 Shards, consumes 600 Mana, and has a 20 Seconds cooldown.

Energy Disengagement[]

Spell 5 type : Ultimate

Spell 5 description : " Creates a large sun above the click or tap location that heats the surrounding area, then explodes and produces a neutron star that shoots 13 electromagnetic rays in the direction of the cursor to deal massive damage. "

Spell 5 Info : The user creates a huge sun above the sky according to the cursor location which heats up the surrounding area, it deals 100 DoT to the enemy and slows down their movement. After 5 seconds the sun explodes and turns into a pulsar which is 1x smaller in size which shoots out electromagnetic rays 13 times and it deals 800 damage per ray. After running out of energy, the user will fire that pulsar star in the direction of their cursor, and deals 500 damage to enemies. This Ultimate Spell can give 11.400 total damage.

  • Costs 2710 Shards, consumes 1505 Mana, and has a 190 Seconds cooldown.

Explanation Behind the Fusion[]

Solar is often associated with sun, if Solar is detonated with the Explosion element, a Pulsar (a rapidly rotating neutron star) will formed from the supernova.
