Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Shadowflare is a powerful fusion/blended element based around dealing high amounts of damage over time as fast as possible. It can be obtained by fusing Darkness and Fire and costs 1500 Diamonds. It’s fast and deals a lot of damage but you take more damage than normal and it can be a little hard to control.


Darkspeed Drive[]

“User is enchanted with The Speed of Shadow.”

Type: Passive

User’s speed is increased by a certain percentage based on your mana.

100% Mana = 100% Speed Boost (Double)

50% Mana = 50% Speed Boost (1.5 times’

You probably get it by now.

Shadowflare Burst[]

“User casts a few bursts of shadowflare at once.”

Type: Multi-Projectile

User fires a burst of 7 black and purple fire beams that move very fast toward the location of the cursor. If they hit they deal around 400 damage and inflict Dark Burn. Dark Burn is an improved form of burn that rapidly deals 40 damage over time and lessens healing efficiency by 50%. The damage over time effect stacks if inflicted again but the lessening of healing effect does not. It consumes 400 Mana and has a 5 second cooldown.


“User casts a concentrated beam of shadowflare at an opponent.”

Type: AoE

User fires a concentrated, beam of slightly slower yet longer shadowflare that inflicts Dark Burn up to 4 times upon hitting a target. Upon coming into contact with anything it explodes dealing 700 damage not counting Dark Burn, and leaving behind a wall of Shadowflame that has the same effects as Dark Burn. Note that the fire doesn’t inflict Dark Burn, it just has the same effect upon touching it. It consumes 700 Mana and has a 10 seconds cooldown.

Shadow Scythes[]

“User manifests scythes from shadowflame and rapidly throws them at an opponent.”

Type: Projectile/Multi-Projectile

User creates scythes and rapidly throws them toward the location of the cursor horizontally. First you throw out 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5. The scythes pierce but don’t inflict Dark Burn and move faster than normal Shadowflares. They deal 500 damage each which is 7500 damage in total so don’t get to close. They consume both 500 Mana and 100 Stamina and have a 30 second cooldown.

Shadow Ride[]

“Engulfs the user’s body in shadowflame and allows them to ride the shadows.”

Type: Transportation

The user’s body is covered in Shadowflame. A shadow forms under them that they can ride freely. The user’s speed is increased by 7x and they become intangible. This ability is hard to control and costs 200 Mana, 50 Stamina, and 50 Health. It lasts up to 10 seconds but can be ended early and has a cooldown of 20 seconds.

Game Over[]


Type: Ultimate

The users stabs 5 scythes into the ground around themselves before saying, “Game Over,” and generates a huge field of darkness spontaneously 5 seconds afterward. Anyone caught in this field has their speed decreased by 80%, is unable to see, and is dealt 10 damage every second. The user is free to walk around within a certain distance of the scythes and attack and all of the user’s stats are increased by 50% in this field. The user can’t see through the darkness but opponents are outlined in white. Upon the finishing of this ability the field retracts back into the area in the scythes and a massive column of purple light erupts only to be followed by a huge explosion the size of the field. The ball of darkness does 200 damage in total and the explosion does 800. It costs all Mana, 50% of the user’s remaining Stamina, and 80% of your remaining Health to use. If below 25% Health, it brings you down to 1 Health. It has a cooldown of 5 minutes.


Yep, there’s lore.

Shadowflare’s first user was a being known as The Shadowking who we’ll be calling sk from now on. Sk was very interested in the power of darkness and wanted to see if he could use it to corrupt and darken other elements. Of the elements he had access to his absolute favorite result was the result with fire, creating Shadowflare. He became so skilled with it that he dominated huge portions of the world until his demise centuries later by an unknown hero. With him gone his soul was nearly burned away by the Shadowflame he once commanded and without a vessel, the Shadowflame rampaged throughout the world, devastating everything. Eventually a huge flood of combination of light and water extinguished the fire and the world arose newly refreshed and revitalized by it. The Shadowflame did not die, instead it retreated into the core of the planet but was fought against by The Brightflame, a light counterpart that completely stalemated Shadowflame. However the remnant spirit essence of sk had merged with the planet and would allow people to access the power of Shadowflare millenia later.

Eventually sk would reincarnate into a much better person who used the power of Shadowflame to an effect none had seen before. He was actually the first user since the original sk. He was the first of the elemental users of Shadowflare and definitely wasn’t the last.


  • May or may not be based off of an OC someone who I would call an acquaintance made
  • Highly recommended to have very high Mana and Stamina for this one.
  • you take 4x as much damage from any attack. I hope you upgraded you health.
  • Im not sure why I made it so powerful especially considering the elements made to fuse it.
  • Medal was made with a pixel art thing because I’m poor.