Elements for Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki

Spectrum (スペクトラム/Supekutoramu), or Shuyō no Niji (主要の虹) as it's properly called, is a Rare Fusion Element. It has a polychromatic color palette like a rainbow, with the inclusion of white and light pale cyan. Its medal depicts a prism.

Spectrum is a mana-costly Element, but it compensates for this with its unique spellset, promising decent damage, fast speed and effectiveness at any range, with multiple different effects and ways to get around enemies' strategies and attacks, making it useful in practically any situation.

This Element can be obtained by fusing Crystal (400 D) and Light (500 D), costing an additional 50 Diamonds to fuse (It costed 450 Diamonds in the old version). In order to unlock, the player must complete all three chapters of Book 3, then find Merlin in the Polarlight Peaks map and complete the first set of quests she'll give to you, before which you'll need to fulfil the 8 Harmonies by purchasing 25 Auras or more. The fusion requires an enhanced Fusion Skill.


By far one of the most versatile Elements in the game, Spectrum has an answer to pretty much any situation. With Spectral Wheel and Chromatic Gleam offering a choice from several different types, Astral Spiral providing both fast and excellent maneuverability, and each of its two Subelements being stronger in different areas, one can use it in virtually any way, all while causing reliable damage and trouble to enemies. It is by far the closest to a Superior Element of all the Rares, and not just in DP either. To balance this, its Mana costs are relatively high, and its cooldowns aren't usually very pleasurable either. That means using it carelessly can only lead to the user's downfall. They should also look out for Crystal users, as Crystal spells that are timed right can turn Spectrum's right back at the shooter. Polychromic Capture, based off an old Time spell, can be both defensive, keeping enemies trapped if they want to avoid damage, and offensive in the sense that they will be left open for further attacks.



  • Spells will curve Storm and Plasma spells away from them, throwing them off course and making them likely to miss.
  • Spells will pierce through those of Darkness, Void, Nightmare and Reaper, effectively and harmlessly destroying them in the process.


  • Decent damage.
  • Has an answer to pretty much any situation; spells are extremely versatile.
  • Viable at any range.
  • Spells have unique abilities.
  • Two spells allow the user to choose from several different types, each with a different effect.
  • Astral Spiral is a very effective Transportation spell thanks to its speed and maneuverability.



  • Spells can be deflected by Crystal, Metal and Mirror spells, bouncing off of them and becoming able to damage their original casters.
  • Illusion spells will pass through Spectrum, weakening the latter in the process.
  • Spells except for the Ultimate can be shattered harmlessly by Sonic spells.


  • High Mana costs.
  • Long cooldowns.
  • Spectral Wheel may leave you open while trying to find the color you want to use.
  • It is possible to be ambushed by enemies beneath you after using the Ultimate.
  • Polychromic Capture can only stop enemies from escaping once.


Shuyō no Niji is a mystical Element not many know exists. It may seem pretty flashy, unusual and impractical, taking the shape of a source of bright-colored energy that boasts apparently every color of the rainbow that can take any form, but it is actually stories more than that. The Element really bends 9 different things at once, which revolve around a certain concept such as emotion or energies, making it much more versatile than what it seems like. Whatever the colors may represent majorly depends on the user and how they wish to wield it, although the most notorious of who-knows-how-many users, said to be named Merlin, writes that it, at core, is power drawn from the 8 Harmonies, which are listed as Passion, Vigor, Hope, Readiness, Calmness, Effort, Focus, Fairness, and the overall embodiment of Harmony. It is unknown however if the Element can directly manipulate all of these forces, since it would thus be very powerful for a supposed Rare Element. Since they don’t appear to be though, it can only be assumed that the Element draws power from these 9 forces. To obtain it requires a strong heart and mind, as to display a great amount of each of the 8 Harmonies; a ritual involving Hahen crystals, sunlight (Shuyō no Kagayaku can help with this) and 50 diamonds will confirm whether or not one has truly shown the 8 Harmonies in their soul and is worthy of wielding the Shuyō no Niji Element.

It is poorly understood how this Element works, making it just as mysterious as its apparent founder: The legendary Rainbowist Merlin Hiromi. Rumors of it first spread after she was summoned by the young hero Zachriel and his party of adventuring Phoenix Tail Academy students to help bring halt to the Magnan invasion. One of the many myths surrounding her states that she considers any others who hold the Element within their power to be part of a cult constructed in honor of her, not that we know for sure; most users say that they got it randomly after displaying one of the Harmonies in a great display, or that they just found out about it and learned it to see what it felt like. It is tricky in battle, especially against those unfamiliar with it. As many have not seen or heard of it before, they were just mesmerized upon sight of the magic, or even found themselves stunned in remark of its beauty. The glass prisms that seem to be created with this Element possess some kind of pure aura, so the lights that come from them are different from Shuyō no Kagayaku’s, meaning they can pierce through Shuyō no Yūutsu and Jō Kūhaku safely, and their purifying aura also repels electricity and plasma.


Zone Response
Spell 1 Spectral Wheel (スペクトルホイール/Supekutoruhoīru)
Spell Type Projectile
Spell Description "Pull any color from the rainbow and fire it as a fast-traveling beam of light. Each color behaves differently"
Spell Info The caster summons a color wheel in their hand for everyone nearby to see, then fires a fast-traveling beam of light that explodes on impact. The beam comes in 9 different colors, each with its own damage and effect:
  • Red: Deals 180 damage and turns the ground covered by the explosion radius red, causing it to deal 25 burn damage over time to enemies standing in it until the red ground disappears after 7 seconds. The entire spell can deal a total of 530 damage.
  • Orange: Deals 220 damage and steals 45% of the target’s stamina.
  • Yellow: Deals 230 damage and blinds the target for 2 seconds.
  • Green: Deals 200 damage and heals the caster by 85 points.
  • Cyan: Deals 215 damage and paralyzes the target for 1.5 seconds.
  • Blue: Deals 220 damage and steals 40% of the target’s mana from them.
  • Purple: Deals 350 damage, but fires and travels slower than the other colors.
  • Pink: Deals 225 damage and decreases one of the target’s stats by 50% for 3 seconds.
  • White: Deals 255 damage, but has no additional effects.

Clicking once will randomly select a color, but holding their click allows the caster to choose which color to shoot by waiting for the medal to change to their desired color and releasing their click (Moves onto the next color every split second, and always follows the order of the rainbow, regardless of which color it starts at); They can do this for an indefinite amount of time, and it will not cost extra mana for holding their click. Once they’ve selected a color, the color wheel in their hand becomes a brief, bright glow of the color they chose as the beam fires. Anybody hit by the beam, regardless of the color, will have their screens tinted that color for 3 seconds.

  • It consumes 290 Mana and has an 8-second cooldown.
Spell 2 Astral Spiral (アストラルスパイラル/Asutorarusupairaru)
Spell Type Transportation
Spell Description "Charge in any direction through a rainbow vortex, knocking anyone in your way over"
Spell Info The caster surrounds themselves in a triple helix of different colors, which follows their character as they directly dash a mild distance in the direction towards wherever the caster clicks, meaning it can transport the caster horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Enemies who are in the way will receive 120 damage and are knocked down with a 1.5 second trip.
  • It consumes 220 Mana and has a 5-second cooldown.
Spell 3 Chromatic Gleam (クロマチックグリム/Kuromachikkugurimu)
Spell Type Transformation
Spell Description "Select and harness the power of one of the Harmonies for a limited time"
Spell Info The caster gives off a rainbow glow as a large polychrome orb appears above them before falling upon them, turning their glow one of 9 different colors, each granting them its own unique boost:
  • Red: Increases the caster’s power by 40%.
  • Orange: Increases the caster’s movement speed by 50%.
  • Yellow: Makes the caster immune to poison damage, blind and both burn damage effects.
  • Green: Increases the caster’s natural health regeneration by 50%.
  • Cyan: Makes the caster immune to trips, stuns, freezing, paralysis and stick traps (Not grabs, pulls or pushes)
  • Blue: Reduces mana costs on all of the caster’s other spells by 50%.
  • Purple: Increases the caster’s defense by 50%.
  • Pink: Reduces stamina costs on all of the caster’s skills and special skills by 65%.
  • White: No buff; Instead of a temporary boost, the orb creates a large explosion of white light around the caster, dealing 256 damage and pushing nearby enemies back with a 1 second trip.

Similarly to Spectral Wheel, the caster can either click once for a random effect, or hold their click and release it with their cursor hovered over their desired color from an interface that comes up from the bottom of the screen. Beware however that the caster will be locked in place while holding their click. All effects (Except for white) last for 13 seconds before the glow vanishes.

  • It consumes 400 Mana (300 for White) and has a 23-second cooldown once any effect is applied (9 seconds if it is White).
Spell 4 Polychromic Capture (ポリクロミックキャプチャ/Porikuromikkukyapucha)
Spell Type AoE
Spell Description "Create a prism that traps enemies who touch it inside, harming them if they try to escape"
Spell Info The caster creates a prism in their hands, which then shoots a prismatic laser beam, creating a 38-38 stud prism where it hits; Its initial impact deals 45 damage, but anybody who touches the walls of the prism from either inside or outside will take 180 damage and be teleported to the center. After 6 seconds, or if an enemy touches the inside, the prism shatters (Which deals no damage).
  • It consumes 350 Mana and has a 10-second cooldown after the prism shatters.
Spell 5 The Harmonies (ザハーモニーズ/Zahāmonīzu)
Spell Type Ultimate
Spell Description "Combine the full power of the 8 Harmonies in the form of a spectral construct that fires giant lasers at any targeted adversary"
Spell Info The caster levitates into the air and encases themselves in a giant prism, which rises even higher into the air, after which it begins to slowly spin while emitting beams of light until it has emitted 8 (One appears a second after the other), each being a different color of the rainbow. Each beam, after traveling a mild distance into the air, fires a 34-stud diameter beam of its color at the caster’s target, creating an explosion on impact. Each beam deals 85 damage, stuns enemies and tints their screens the color of the beam. After all 8 beams are fired, the prism, which has been filling up with chromatic energy the entire time, shatters and fires all that accumulated energy as an even larger beam that creates an enormous explosion, dealing 600 damage and blinding enemies for 10 seconds afterward with half their mana and stamina drained. The prism itself, which drops the caster back down to the ground after shattering, acts like a solid object and can be collide with by spells while also reducing all damage the caster receives by 95%.
  • It consumes 1000 Mana and has a 95-second cooldown.

Scarlet (スカーレット/Sukāretto) is one of Spectrum's Subelements. Its color palette consists of red and scarlet, as well as darker and lighter shades of both. Its medal would depict long wavelengths, resembling an S.

Zone Response
Spell 1 Dual Red (デュアルレッド/De~yuarureddo)
Spell Type Multi-Projectile
Spell Description "Summon a scarlet fan and fire two unique waves of outward-spreading red light projectiles"
Spell Info The caster creates a 7-pointed war fan out of scarlet light and energy and swipes it horizontally in front of them and towards any direction their target is, firing 7 small red bolts in a wide outward spread in that direction. Immediately after, the caster tosses the fan into the air where it bursts almost a split second later, lobbing 7 gravity-affected red bolts into the air to land up to a mild distance away (Specifically, the distance the cursor is from their character). Each bolt from the first wave deals 125 damage, pushes targets back and stuns them for a little over half a second, while each bolt from the second wave creates a tiny red explosion upon impact with anything, dealing 150 damage. If somebody was hit by the initial slash before the bolts are even fired, they will be knocked away and dealt 225 damage with a 1 second trip (The bolts from the first wave will then likely pass over them).
  • It consumes 305 Mana and has a 5-second cooldown.
Spell 2 Warm Aura (ウォームオーラ/U~ōmuōra)
Spell Type Defensive
Spell Description "Create a scarlet barrier that fires at all nearby enemies"
Spell Info The caster creates a 5-second, 30-stud diameter spiral around themselves that narrows out as it travels higher until it ends in a point. While it is active, the spiral fires a small red homing blast at all enemies close enough every 3 quarters of a second (A total of 8 can fire at a single enemy), with each blast dealing 35 damage in a small explosion. Enemies who are touching the spiral or are inside it will take 10 damage over time, and most projectiles that hit it will be destroyed (Not AoE spells).
  • It consumes 280 Mana and has an 8-second cooldown after the spiral disappears.
Spell 3 Scarlet Devil (スカーレットデビル/Sukārettodebiru)
Spell Type Projectile
Spell Description "Create and throw a spear of red light with such force that it will pierce foes and knock them far away"
Spell Info The caster forms a 20-stud long gungnir spear out of scarlet light and energy in their hand, holding it in throwing position before launching it as an incredibly fast, long range projectile that pierces through enemies, dealing 300 damage to enemies who are directly hit and 260 damage to those it misses by up to 5 studs, either way sending them flying in the direction it’s traveling with a 3 second trip. If the caster holds their click, they will hold onto the spear for longer, allowing them to aim more accurately as well as delay their throw, though this won’t increase its power or speed; the caster can do this for an indefinite amount of time, or cancel the spell without it consuming mana or entering cooldown by guarding.
  • It consumes 345 Mana and has a 6-second cooldown after throwing the spear.

Azure (アズール/Azūru) is Spectrum's other Subelement. Its color palette consists of blue and azure, as well as darker and lighter shades of both. Its medal would depict a short wavelength with a lightning bolt in the middle underneath the hill, resembling an A.

Zone Response
Spell 1 Blue Skybeams (ブルースカイビーム/Burūsukaibīmu)
Spell Type Multi-Projectile
Spell Description "Shine a blue light into the sky whose trail fires several lasers at the ground below in front of you"
Spell Info The caster fires a fast-traveling bolt of blue energy directly upwards, which leaves a trail of 7 blue orbs 1 stud apart from each other before fading, each of which fires a smaller blue laser diagonally downwards in whatever direction the caster’s target is. The beams are able to cover a fairly short line in front of the caster, meaning it is best used when close. Each beam deals 100 damage in a small explosion.
  • It consumes 250 Mana and has a 5-second cooldown.
Spell 2 Cool Aura (クールオーラ/Kūruōra)
Spell Type Defensive
Spell Description "Create and azure barrier that reduces the harm inflicted onto you and nearby allies"
Spell Info The caster creates a 5-seconds, 30-stud diameter spiral around themselves that widens out as it travels high until it ends in a funnel. While it is active, the caster and all teammates/party members in a medium radius will take 50% less damage (100% if they are inside) from enemy attacks and spells, as well as increasing their healing by 30%. Most projectiles who hit the spiral will be destroyed.
  • It consumes 280 Mana and has an 8-second cooldown after the spiral disappears.
Spell 3 Azure Sabre (アズールセイバー/Azūruseibā)
Spell Type AoE
Spell Description "Summon a giant blue blade and perform a fast, close range whirlwind slice"
Spell Info The caster summons a 30-stud long blue blade from their right hand, held out to the side, then swings it once in a full 360 degree angle around themselves at near-instant speed before it vanishes, dealing 300 damage and knocking any enemies hit by it off their feet, flipping them over with a 2 second trip. The blade also destroys projectiles and bypasses guard, shields and counters.
  • It consumes 340 Mana and has a 7-second cooldown.

Link to Original Doc.[]

