Just so you know, this is my first time posting a page for this wiki.
Star is a quick and strong element that can do low damage but it can decrease more of the opponents health with its moves with mostly low and medium damage.
- Damage - Low to Medium
- Defense - Moderate
- Speed - Moderate to Fast
Astral Bomb (Blast Spell)[]
"User throws a star that can turn into stardust upon impact and can home in nearby opponents dealing low damage."
- User blasts a fire blast sized star at the opponent dealing 200 damage plus, inflicting burn damage afterwards (10 dps; will last for 4 sec.) but once the star explodes it will emit heat seeking stardust that can do 5 damage per stardust (25 stardust that will come out of the star.)
- Mana cost is 300, cooldown is 10 seconds.
Cosmic Spears (Multi-Projectile Spell)[]
"User rains a quick barrage of stardust spears that can do low damage but will deplete the players health quickly if they are not aware of the damage."
- User rains a quick barrage wherever the mouse cursor is of 25 (50 if charged) spears of stardust that explodes on impact and can do 5 damage per dust and has the speed of Ace up the Sleeve (range is the size of Time ult but a 1/4 short.)
- Mana cost is 250, cooldown is 5 seconds.
Solar Storm (AoE [Area of Effect])[]
"User creates one of the two storms that can do damage differently than the others."
- There are two (the 3rd one wasn’t acceptable) types of storms that can damage opponents in a unique but in a different wave and has the speed of Quill Daggers; if charged it could cycle through either waves:
- Solar Flare - User spawns three waves of hot radiated plasma in the air randomly near the caster's location that can damage the opponents by radiation poisoning and has splash damage (25 damage per 1.5 seconds, turns the player’s screen green a little bit, and the poisoning will last until the fourth damage the player has taken from the poisoning; splash damage is 50.)
- CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) - User spawns a giant wave of hot plasma from the sun near the caster in the air that can do serious burn damage plus splash damage (burn damage is 50 dps, lasts for 5 seconds; splash damage is 25.)
- Mana cost is 275, cooldown is 7 seconds.
Fiery Shield (Shield)[]
"User blasts a wall of plasma in one direction and can grow larger if fed by projectiles and can increase damage and cause burn damage to unlucky opponents."
- Note that you must have a bit of experience with the XYZ scale on roblox studio to understand this and this involves basic math.
- User blasts a wall of plasma that can travel in one direction ([X = base, Y = height, Z = width] X = 21 x Y = 11 x Z = 2; with every 3 projectile it is fed, the X and Y position will grow by 1.) and can damage opponents depending on how many projectiles it is fed and how fast is it can go; starting damage is 150 but will increase by 10 per 5 projectiles it is fed (burn damage is 5 and can last 5 sec.).
- Mana cost is 225, cooldown is 5 seconds.
Night of Constellations (Ultimate)[]
"User turns day into night while constellations light up in the air that can attack wherever the mouse cursor is, trapping opponents in the ultimate while trying to dodge at least three waves of attacks plus a stackwave in the end."
- The caster will turn day into night while the constellations in the night sky lights up and can attack depending on what the constellation it is, and which one is attacking and most of these attacks are controlled by the mouse cursor (Players are trapped inside the ult but will have to dodge/survive at least three waves attacks and a stack wave where all the constellations attack at the same time if they attacked in the 1st three waves [radius is the same as the Time ult; plus you can see the constellations in action when they are attacking the opponents in the ult])
- Sagittarius - the archer will shoot constellation arrows upwards and will rain, dealing 25 damage per arrow and indicating where the arrow will land.
- Draco - the dragon will breathe heavenly fire that can do 25 dps and can be controlled by the user’s cursor.
- Lupus - the wolf will howl and the floor will ripple that can damage opponents by 50 if they are still in the radius of the howl, however the attacks can be dodged and platforms will spawn so that the opponents will stand on it without getting damaged from the howl.
- Monoceros - there will be multiple indicators where flashes of light can travel at fast speeds damaging opponents by 50 if they come across one and can jump over the projectile if timed right.
- Vulpecula - Flame columns will blast out of the ground at the same time indicating where it will pop up in random areas and this will happen at least three times doing 50 damage per column.
- If the Lupus move is in the stackwave it must not stack with the other moves since it will have a chance of knocking the opponent/opponents if combined with a move that can do knockback to opponent/opponents instead, do the Lupus move 1st then stack the 2nd and 3rd move but the Monoceros move is allowed with the Lupus since players can jump over the projectiles.
- Mana cost is 1000, cooldown is 90 seconds.